This Content Creator From Delhi Is Raising Awareness On Vitiligo And Defying Societal Expectations On Appearances

Photo Credit: From The Source


This Content Creator From Delhi Is Raising Awareness On Vitiligo And Defying Societal Expectations On Appearances

Tanishk Juneja
22 Oct 2021 12:52 PM GMT

Vitiligo is a skin condition that causes the skin to become lighter or darker, splotchy, and patchy. It occurs when cells called melanocytes are destroyed. It can affect any area of the body, but it most commonly appears on the hands, feet, face and eyes.

Manisha Malik is a content creator with Vitiligo who is defying all societal expectations simply by being comfortable in her own skin. It is vital for each of us to be confident in our own skin as this unusual appearance makes people with this disorder feel self-conscious. They are often made fun of or judged by others because of how they look. It's not easy to grow up feeling different from the rest of society.

Some children with Vitiligo dread meeting new people, fearing what others will think about their appearance. In a recent interview with The Logical Indian, Manisha Malik shared her thoughts.

"I was on a metro once and a girl kept gazing at me. And I was very agitated and asked her why she was staring at me. And she responded, "I love your hair; are those natural curls?" Surprisingly, I was taken aback. We frequently find that our fears influence how we pursue others and how they perceive us," Manisha said.

Photo Credit: From The Source

What is Vitiligo?

Vitiligo is a skin condition that causes the skin to become lighter or darker, splotchy, and patchy. It occurs when cells called melanocytes are destroyed. It can affect any area of the body, but it most commonly appears on the hands, feet, face and eyes. According to statistics, people affected by vitiligo range from between 0.5 and 1 per cent of the world's population.

One needs to understand that it is not just a physical condition, but an emotional one as well. The depigmentation of the skin can have psychological effects on the person with Vitiligo which are often related to their looks and self-esteem.

Malik also shared instances of how she was bullied when she was younger because of her condition and how that has made her more confident now. She also explained that she has found peace with herself and now doesn't care what others think about her condition as long as she is happy.

The incidence of vitiligo in India is 1 in every 300-500 people, which is comparable to other parts of the world. Vitiligo is not contagious and it cannot be passed from person to person like a disease. However, there might be an increased risk for children who have one parent with vitiligo because they might inherit genes for this condition from their parents.

There is no perfect way to look. As long as you feel comfortable with your appearance, it doesn't matter what other people think of you. The key is to have a positive attitude about yourself and have confidence in yourself.

The Logical Indian applauds Manisha for using social media to inspire others and raise awareness about vitiligo.

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