Indias First Report Card On Maps: Vedantu Shows How Top Results Are Possible From Every Corner Of The County And Shows It On Maps

India's First Report Card On Maps: Vedantu Shows How Top Results Are Possible From Every Corner Of The County And Shows It On Maps

Apurwa Shrivastava
12 Nov 2020 12:06 PM GMT

Kone Kone Se Top Result Aayega” is a pathbreaking effort by Vedantu to put their achievers on the map of India.

"Kone Kone Se Top Result Aayega" is a pathbreaking effort by Vedantu to put their achievers on the map of India. The initiative celebrates the results of the students from all corners of the country who go through year-long peril of rigorous preparations. The students wait for their results with hopeful hearts. Vedantu with its exceptional tech amalgamation has done as far as democratising these results to all parts of the country.

Through this initiative, students can now find Vedantu results on Maps just like ATMs, cafes etc. It has revolutionised the way India produces the results! Vedantu through its V-MAPS has marked the landmark results of the students on the Maps by converting the address of the students into pin codes. All one needs to do is search "Vedantu Scorers" on Maps and it will show every nook and corner of the nation from where Vedantu students have brought landmark results, quite literally!

V-MAPS has not just localised the results but also elevated them to international standards. The efforts of this esteemed educational platform have been recognised by a number of influential names on social media. Users from different parts of the country have been engaging with this pioneering campaign.
Enabling possibilities beyond one's imagination, the initiative that strengthened the idea of an inclusive result has been brought about with the collective effort of students and teachers.
It is indeed true that India lives beyond just the cites to the small towns and alleyways that see little or no representation. Vedantu has changed just that! V-MAPS in a number of ways has become a pathbreaking initiative to project young achievers on a global scale. Not just this, but every aspiring student who would want some guidance can reach out to achievers near them. Vedantu is an educational platform that has made education accessible to all through its innovative learning solutions. With the core belief of "Samajh Aayega To Mazza Aayega", the platform has created educational space and opportunities that make learning fun and interactive. By incorporating advanced technology, Vedantu has created new possibilities and raised the bar of quality learning in India.
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