No Mask, No Entry: Thailand Shopkeeper Installs Face Detector Doors That Check For Customers Mask

Image Credits: Twitter/NiallHarbison


'No Mask, No Entry': Thailand Shopkeeper Installs Face Detector Doors That Check For Customers' Mask

Palak Agrawal
9 Oct 2020 11:01 AM GMT

The shop is equipped with automatic doors at the entrance and is also fitted with a face detector that scans the face for masks and then checks the temperature.

Amid the on-going coronavirus pandemic, face mask has become an important part of one's physical self with governments across the world resorting to extending legal implications on not wearing masks in public places.

Since the lockdown was relaxed and economic activities resumed, shopkeepers are reportedly facing a tough time requesting people to wear a mask time and again.

In an innovative step to solving the confrontation, a shop in Thailand has made the use of technology to ensure that every customer is permitted inside its premises only if that person has their masks on.

A viral video on Twitter shows that the shop is equipped with automatic doors at the entrance and is also fitted with a face detector that scans the face for masks and then checks the temperature. A person is permitted inside if only these two conditions are satisfied.

The video was shared by Niall Harbison, a media investor from the UK who lives on Koh Samu.

"My local shops in Thailand. In 2 seconds scans my temperature and to see if wearing a mask. Doors don't open if not. 3 cases in 100+ days here. Removes awkward mask arguments for staff as well," he tweeted.

In another tweet, he added, "Thailand (and many Asian countries) have lots of amazing solutions like this. Will share more on Instagram as well to show there is hope ahead. I'm here"

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