Waste To Value! This Bengaluru-Based Startup Is Upcycling Food Waste By Black Soldier Fly Larvae

Image Credit: Loopworm


Waste To Value! This Bengaluru-Based Startup Is Upcycling Food Waste By Black Soldier Fly Larvae

Ronit Kumar Singh
29 July 2022 4:15 AM GMT

Established in 2019 by 2 IITians, 'Loopworm' is working in the 'Waste to Value' biotechnology space, primarily focused on upcycling food waste to high-value raw materials by using 'Black Soldier Fly Larvae.'

Numerous startups inspired by the sustainability model have started upcycling industry by-products into valuable raw materials. Interestingly, a Bengaluru-based startup 'Loopwarm' works in the 'Waste to Value' biotechnology space. It upcycles food industry by-products and organic waste to high-value raw materials for various industries.

Established in 2019 by two IIT-mates, the startup is on a mission to solve the global protein deficiency and waste generation issues by farming 'Black Soldier Fly Larvae' that converts food waste to animal feed and pet food.

In this way, the company creates a highly protein-rich diet for fisheries and poultry farms by farming insects to feed them using food waste that currently lands in landfills and creating a perfect "Sustainable Loop".

What Is The Future?

Protein demand to feed the increasing population is expected to grow by 70 per cent globally in the next 30 years. In India, 80 per cent of the population remains protein deficient. At Loopworm, they endeavour to solve this problem by providing sustainable insect protein, oil, and other products for fishes, shrimps, pigs, and poultry.

In 2019, Ankit Alok Bagaria and Abhi Gawri started the company to revolutionise the food industry. Founder Ankit while talking to The Logical Indian, said, "I realised that waste from various industries and Agri by-products could be used efficiently to solve global problems and to create a world without any risk of food security. My vision is to create a robust network of 1000+ decentralised insect farming units, upcycling 2 Million Tonnes per annum of food rejects and producing 100,000 Tonnes per annum of sustainable protein by 2027."

Waste Into Protein By Insects

LoopWorm' combines two words - 'Loop' & 'Worm'. It reflects that worms are used to create a sustainable food & feed source and bring food waste back into the loop using nature. The startup is developing a high-grade insect-based sustainable protein for poultry, aquaculture, and pets, among other industries.

The company's vision is to produce sustainable food and feed for tomorrow, and they do so by bringing food waste back into the circular loop. The sustainability-driven startup is also contributing toward the United Nations 8 Sustainable development goals (SDGs), including Goal number 12, which marks Responsible consumption and production, and Goal number 13- Climate Action.

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