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British Ex-Armyman Turns Back 500 Metres From Mt. Everest Peak To Save Dying Indian Woman

The Logical Indian
6 Jun 2016 12:31 PM GMT

There are few choices we make in our life that make us stand apart from everyone. 42-year-old Leslie Binns could have climbed Mount Everest and got his name registered in the history, but he made the choice to not climb Mount Everest. He could see the snow-clad summit of Mount Everest just 500 metres away from him. His lifelong dream would have soon come true. Yet his conscience called for him to reach out for something better and something nobler.

A British ex-serviceman abandoned his climb to Mount Everest just 500 metres away from from the summit to save the life of Sunita Hazra, an Indian woman, who was scaling the peak ahead of him.

The war veteran heard a woman screaming and he immediately rushed to her help. He saw that her oxygen regulator was registering empty. He took Sunita and climbed down, saving her life.

Sunita, who was supposed to be the first mother to climb the summit of Mount Everest says that she owes her life to Binns, while Binns was ‘extremely proud’ after rescuing her.

Binns was in the army for 13 years. He had served in Bosnia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. He has been awarded two medals, including Queen’s Commendation for Bravery for finding improvised explosives in Afghanistan in 2009.

After an explosion in Afghanistan, Binns was blinded in his left eye.

The Logical Indian salutes Binns for saving the life of a person and we wish him all the best for his future endeavors.

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