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An Army Colonel Is Changing Lives Of Thousand Of People From North-East Using White Bullets
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An Army Colonel Is Changing Lives Of Thousand Of People From North-East Using White Bullets

The Logical Indian
16 Feb 2018 1:09 PM GMT

Retiring after spending 32 years in the Indian Army, Col Chris Rego is helping change the destinies of hundreds of children in conflict-affected North East India through his "White Bullets" initiative. With this initiative, he hopes to bring peace and progress to communities across North East India.

Luminous wanted to bring out the Colonel's story to the world to inspire and motivate others as it believes that education is a strong tool to empower women. It is supporting Col Rego's cause through an initiative called #Luminaries – the brave people who stand up for causes like girl child education and make a difference in the society.

Col Rego's journey started over a decade ago in Manipur when a tribal woman knocked on his door pleading for support for her daughter's education. Touched by the woman's story, Col Rego and his wife delved into their savings and arranged for the money for the girl's education. Two years down the line, the woman returned, this time with a small pumpkin and a shawl that she had knitted, and all the money she had borrowed. Moved and realizing that their money could make lives rather than earn paltry interest, Col and Mrs. Rego embarked on a journey to arrange for sponsorship of many more underprivileged children.

Retiring from the Army, Col Rego took over as CEO of Sunbird Trust, a not-for-profit organization which he founded in 2014. The Trust now sponsor over 1,000 children in 21 locations across North East India. The centre of Sunbird Trust's activities is at beautiful Ijeirong, Manipur.

Recognizing Col Chris's immense work, Luminous acknowledged him as their first Luminary. Through this, they hope to bring more power to his elbow in the notable work he is doing. The Luminous team travelled to remote Ijeirong village and installed solar products. These solar products will help in providing power to the entire campus 24/7 for the very first time.

The Logical Indian salutes Col Christopher Rego for his untiring efforts and leadership. His efforts are already having a cascading effect on people from across India joining the "White Bullets" endeavour. Quite amazingly, education, in itself so empowering, is merely a means to PEACE. We hope the path illuminated by #Luminary Col Rego and his Sunbird Trust team acts as a beacon for others to follow.

If you too have stories of change, share them with us. And if you want to connect with Colonel Rego, click here.

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