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'True Legend-The Future Of Young India' Aims To Celebrate The People Who Are Creating Impact Through Their Acts

Devanshee Singh
24 Nov 2022 11:27 AM GMT

The initiative will highlight 'champions of good' in diverse fields such as start-up tech, music, sports, environmental conservation, and social work.

Seeing good triumph over evil and believing in a saviour can bring great joy to anyone. Even if these triumphs are a part of literature, television, or movies, we as a society celebrate those triumphs. Ironically the heroes and legends winning them are fictional, and we fail to realize that the true legends which exist can be anyone just like us. They can be a commoner without fame, personality, a great career, and a vast amount of money. What sets them apart is their impressive accomplishments creating an impact on the ground. In achieving these, they often go beyond the call of duty while facing several risks without considering the material outcome. Their only intent is to help someone and make a positive difference. On the downside, they go unsung. So why not celebrate them?

With 'True Legend - The Future of Young India', Seagram's 100 Pipers Glassware and NDTV celebrate individuals who have transcended material success to contribute to the world through their good deeds. The initiative will highlight 'champions of good' in diverse fields such as start-up tech, business innovation, music, sports, environmental conservation, and social work. It will include multiple levels of evaluation, including an NDTV editorial shortlisting process - which selects nominees across these categories to identify and honour true legends.

Ultimately, one 'True Legend' from each of these categories will be selected by the prestigious Jury with the help of public voting.

Seagram's 100 Pipers Glassware have been actively supporting social causes over the years. The belief of 'Be Remembered For Good' is a highlight which encourages people to go beyond the conventional ideas of success and make a positive difference in the world. The mission to create a better world continues with this initiative as well. A category titled 'Be Remembered for Good' is also part of this initiative, through which anyone can submit stories about themselves or others who might not be famous but deserve attention for impacting society. The size of the act doesn't matter; what matters is the kind of difference it has made and how long it will last.

The Logical Indian applauds this initiative of celebrating True Legends around us, inspiring more people to do their bit to make this world a better place. People need to know that legends are not just limited to heroics; it's also about small things of good intent and lasting impact.

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