First Professionally Trained Female Trekking Guide Now Employs Only Women In Her Travel Company

First Professionally Trained Female Trekking Guide Now Employs Only Women In Her Travel Company

Apurwa Shrivastava
17 Nov 2019 3:15 AM GMT

NITI Aayog, through its initiative in collaboration with the United Nations, has come forward with the fourth edition of #WTIAwards2019 to recognise the efforts of women entrepreneurs who are challenging conventions and playing a pivotal role in #TransformingIndia. If you are one of those women entrepreneurs disrupting the status quo, get yourself identified by NITI Aayog by clicking here. Today- 17th November 2019 is the last day to register for #WTIAwards2019. Please apply before 11:59 P.M.

Thinlas Chorol is Ladakh’s first professionally-trained female trekking guide, and it was an uphill climb for her to get there. As a woman in what was perceived to be a man’s job, it was difficult to convince the community that she was up to the task. Her determination paid off; she established her credibility as a trekking guide and started the Ladakhi Women’s Travel Company in 2009, employing only women guides and porters.

Thinlas’s company is also famous for arranging homestays in remote villages to give tourists a closer look at the region’s culture. The aim was to enable Ladakhi women to become economically self-sufficient by providing a sustainable source of income — which means they do not have to move away from their villages in search of employment.

To date, the company has trained over 70 women and currently employs eight guides, four trainees and 20 staff. Trainees are required to undergo a year-long course before becoming professional trekking guides. The guides are also trained to be aware of the history, local culture, flora and fauna so that a trekking trip with them is enriching in more ways than one. Thinlas plans to venture into exploring alternative income-generating activities for women during the offseason in winter.

To conclude, if you are one such woman entrepreneur or you know one of such women entrepreneurs playing a significant role in #TransformingIndia through their remarkable enterprises, don’t forget to get their names identified at NITI Aayog’s #WTIAwards2019. Click here!

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