Rural India
Plumbers, Painters, Masons In UP To Get Government Certificates For Better Future

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Uttar Pradesh
Rural India

Plumbers, Painters, Masons In UP To Get Government Certificates For 'Better Future'

Rishab Shaju
23 Dec 2020 7:25 AM GMT

Under the 'Recognition of Prior Learning' programme, 7,500 skilled workers in Varanasi and Chandauli will be given certificates by the government to help them get better recognition.

The Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship has set in motion a project that will certify the 'existing skilled workers' in the gram panchayats. This project offers 'recognition and respect' to the workers so as to use their proficiency while working in the government and private industries.

The programme, which is known as the 'Recognition of Prior Learning' (RPL), is a joint initiative between the World Bank and the Centre. The pilot project was rolled out on Monday, December 21, across 167-gram panchayats in Uttar Pradesh's Varanasi and Chandauli.

The agency implementing the programme is the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC). Close to 900 candidates were given certificates during the launch of the project and around 2,250 skilled workers have enrolled themselves for training. The programme is promoted under 'SANKALP' also known as the 'Skill Acquisition and Knowledge Awareness for Livelihood Promotion'.

"About 70% of our country's population resides in rural India. The inclusion of gram panchayats is crucial for the success. This programme will be used to align the competencies of an already pre-existing workforce of the country to the standardized framework. This certification will help build confidence, respect, and recognition to the candidates in the society," Mahendra Nath Pandey, the Union skill development minister told to The Times of India.

The main target of the project is to issue certificates to 7,500 skilled workers in Varanasi and Chandauli. The process of certification will also involve a workshop that will help remove the barriers and the use of craftsmanship with the trainers' aid. According to the statement given by an official to the publication, no fee will be charged by the candidate. Also, ₹500 will be given at the end of the certification process as a part of the travel and workshop allowance.

Various workers came forward and expressed their gratitude to the government to give such certificates. "I have been working as a carpenter for 15 years and have finally been recognised with a government certificate. At least I can find better livelihood prospects in the society," said Sanjay Vishwakarma, a carpenter.

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