Rural India
Maharashtra: Monkeys Go On Killing Spree After Dogs Kill One Of Their Infants
Rural India

Maharashtra: Monkeys Go On 'Killing Spree' After Dogs Kill One Of Their Infants

Sayujya Surjit
20 Dec 2021 4:17 AM GMT

The villagers say that the reason behind this outrage is revenge. A month ago, a baby monkey was attacked and killed by a few dogs. It was after this incident that the monkeys started rampaging the village intending to kill dogs.

A vengeful monkey pack has been scaring the villagers in Majalgaon and Lavool in the Beed district of Maharashtra, over the past one month. Around 250 dogs in the villages have been killed so far. The residents of Lavool village said that not a single pup in the village is left now, but the monkeys haven't stopped their rampage yet. Now, they are targeting small children making it unsafe for them to go outside to play or even go to school. The alarming situation has caused panic among the villagers, and the sudden turn of events has become a major cause of concern.

As reported by New York Post, in Lavool, villagers called the forest department for help dealing with the primates, but when the officials came, they weren't able to catch a single monkey. The villagers planned to take charge of the situation by themselves but ended up getting injured after falling from buildings while saving dogs and also getting attacked by monkeys.

The department recently captured two monkeys reportedly involved in the revenge killings.

What Led to Unfolding of Events

The villagers say that the reason behind this outrage is revenge. A month ago, a baby monkey was attacked and killed by a few dogs. It was after this incident that the monkeys started rampaging the village intending to kill dogs. The monkeys dragged dogs to the top of buildings or trees and dropped them to death. Pups are also not spared from this vengeful act. The monkeys have now taken their anger on the people in the village. According to Daily Express, there was an incident where an eight-year-old was dragged by a monkey and was saved by villagers who threw stones at the animal.

Human-Wildlife Conflict

Human-wildlife conflict (HWC) occurs when animals become a threat to the livelihood or safety of human beings, leading to mistreatment of that species by humans for their survival. From European bears killing livestock to Gaur causing threat to people and domestic animals in Kotagiri, the conflict between humans and wildlife species have been occurring for a long time and in different parts of the world. The best way to reduce human-wildlife conflict is by keeping animals out of areas with a large human population.

In the villages of Majalgaon and Lavool, the situation is alarming. Lives of all species matter alike, making it necessary for the forest department to take quick action to put an end to the prevailing situation and comfort the panic-stricken villagers.

Also Read: Shocking! Navi Mumbai Woman Fined Staggering Rs 8 Lakh For Feeding Stray Dogs

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