Rural India
Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness For Villagers In Kolar District

Image Credits: Goonj

Rural India

Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness For Villagers In Kolar District

Ankita Singh
20 Jun 2021 7:00 AM GMT

However, when Goonj along with its partner organization, made them aware of the need to ensure the cleanliness of the public water bodies - more so now - 78 participants came forward immediately and worked under Goonj's 'Dignity For Work' initiative to revive the pond.

The temple of Chowdeshwari in Srinivaspur village of Kolar district in Karnataka is a century-old structure wrapped in history and beauty. Located close to it is the temple pond from where the locals had been drawing their drinking water since time immemorial.

Added to that, the pond was also used by the devotees for their ritual cleansing and other related activities. However, with the passage of time, neglect and as a result of being left unused, the pond got engulfed in weed, discard and dirt. T

Though the locals felt the need to clean the pond, the fear of the pandemic kept them away from the community work. However, when Goonj along with its partner organization, made them aware of the need to ensure the cleanliness of the public water bodies - more so now - 78 participants came forward immediately and worked under Goonj's 'Dignity For Work' initiative to revive the pond.

Though the lockdown had made life difficult for them, but now, with the essential materials in the Goonj kits - rewarded to them for their efforts - and also the clean temple pond and its surroundings have brought a ray of hope and happiness in their lives.

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