Responsible Business
Gurugram: PepsiCo India Provides Hygiene Kits To Sanitation Workers Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

Image Credits: PepsiCo/Twitter

Responsible Business

Gurugram: PepsiCo India Provides Hygiene Kits To Sanitation Workers Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

Ankita Singh
24 Jan 2021 9:28 AM GMT

These kits given to sanitation workers will contain soap and recyclable gloves, along with reusable masks and sanitisers.

PepsiCo India flagged off an initiative through which it will distribute hygiene kits to the sanitation workers in Gurugram, Haryana, as a part of its continued efforts to fight against COVID-19 pandemic.

These kits given to sanitation workers will contain soap and recyclable gloves, along with reusable masks and sanitisers.

Taking into account the well-being and safety of the sanitation workers who are serving on the frontline, the company also announced awareness sessions to be conducted in the Mini Secretariat and Government hospitals in the city on best hygiene practices that should be followed by healthcare workers.

The initiative was flagged in the presence of Deputy Commissioner of Gurugram, Dr Yash Garg, Vikramjit Singh Walia, Regional Head (North) Corporate Partnerships, Smile Foundation and Himanshu Priyadarshi, Director, Public Policy and Government Affairs, PepsiCo India.

Talking about the initiative, Dr Yash Garg, Deputy Commissioner of Gurugram, said that there is a need to stand together in the fight against the Covid-19. Also, he added that since the sanitation workers have been at the frontline in the battle against the pandemic, it is our collective responsibility to safeguard their health.

He thanked PepsiCo India for coming ahead to make a difference during these testing times.

Himanshu Priyadarshi, Director, Public Policy and Government Affairs, PepsiCo India said, "As part of our efforts in fighting against the pandemic, PepsiCo India remains committed to working relentlessly to support the safety and protection of our frontline workers. Through this initiative, the company intends to create awareness and help especially the sanitation workers given they deal with discarded waste every day and it is important for them to ensure the highest standard of safety. The special hygiene kits are a small gesture of gratitude from PepsiCo India towards supporting them in their daily work."

Apart from providing necessary requirements through hygiene kits, the company will also conduct awareness sessions through which it will give tips to them on handwashing procedures, wearing masks properly, and practising preventive measures like social distancing. It will also train them on how to maintain cleanliness practices. Through the initiative, PepsiCo India will reach out to 2000 sanitation workers in the city.

Since the pandemic restrictions have been imposed, PepsiCo India has been actively contributing towards community support programs such as by providing over 10 million meals to the underserved communities and making available over 35,000 COVID test kits to various government labs and hospitals.

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