Responsible Business
A Step Forward: Infosys Aims For 45% Womens Representation In Workforce By 2030

Image Credit: The Indian Express

Responsible Business

A Step Forward: Infosys Aims For 45% Women's Representation In Workforce By 2030

Ratika Rana
30 July 2021 2:11 PM GMT

The company has ensured the return of 92 per cent of women because of their maternity program and policies

Infosys, a global information technology leader that has been consistent in encouraging a gender-sensitive and inclusive work environment for its 259,619 employees globally. Now, it has aimed at 45 per cent women representation in the workforce by 2030. The organisation has time and again proved to be an equal opportunity employer by providing non-discriminatory policies and benefits based on gender, religion, caste, and disability. Women currently represent a total of 36.8 per cent of the workforce. The organisation is a significant endorser of the UN Women's Empowerment Principles (WEP). While the company works towards being inclusive of gender diversity in its office's world, it also emphasises the importance of participation of women in various areas like management, technology, and leadership. As mentioned in the company ESG report by CSR India, "Diversity and inclusion are key to building a balanced and inspired workforce. Our anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies apply to everyone in the company, including employees, clients and suppliers."

Company Has Ensured 92% Return of Women Because Of Their Maternity Program

While women worldwide are hesitant to return to work post their maternity leave, the company has ensured the return of 92 per cent of women because of their maternity program and policies. The Infosys maternity handbook is an initiative by the company to provide women with the support and help they require during pregnancy as a whole. Adding to this, Infosys has stated that 88 per cent of women continued to work with them after a year of recommencing work. The company also conducts a leadership programme where women are trained for different leadership roles. The programme instils a sense of readiness towards leadership roles whilst fostering an inclusive and diversified ecosystem and culture. Other year-long programs like the 'I Am the Future' programme are conducted in partnership with the Stanford GSB that provides opportunities for holistic and vocational development for women. Infosys also provides a host of options for childcare facilities in workplaces across the world. Today, many working parents prefer childcare support close to their homes, and the company has tie-ups with various networks for the same reason.

The company also maintains a very inclusive environment for the LGBTQAI+ community by remodelling policies to protect their rights in different workplaces. A peculiar and enhanced health insurance plan came to force for its Indian employees, which covers partners (same-sex, domestic, civil) as dependants, gender confirmation surgeries, among many others. The ESG committee of the Board of Infosys comprises 22 per cent of women. At the same time, 66 per cent of the Non-Executive Board members are women. Women at the leadership level of Infosys comprise 10.8 per cent. Infosys stands at the top in wanting more women to participate in their workforce. The tech industry already sulks in many problems associated with bringing women to the top of their leadership board. Data found in a report named Top Companies for Women Technologists found that there has been a steady increase in women technologists, i.e., from 25.9 per cent in 2018 and 26.2 per cent in 2019. The report further added that if numbers continued to increase in the current manner, it would take a total of 12 long years for women to see an equal representation in tech. The need of the hour is to inculcate work ethics among workers to be more gender-inclusive to provide equal opportunities in tech.

Women continue to be underrepresented in the world of corporates for years now. If companies want to see a more gender-inclusive environment for their employees, then policies and erstwhile training programs need to be remodelled and reshaped to empower women and other communities. There have been numerous international reports on various tech companies and organisations that have time again proven that diversity generates more revenue in multi-national companies. When companies stop hiring women, they also come up with ideas and policies to retain their presence and deliver slightly better returns than those who do not.

Various studies have shown a coherent relationship between diversity and management. When a company has a more diversified team at the leadership level, it leads to more and better innovation and financial performance regardless of whether it is a developing economy or a fully developed economy. A study by Boston Consulting Group showed that companies with more diversified genders working with them generated about 34 per cent of their revenues from innovative offers and services in just three years.

Anticipating alternative viewpoints becomes so much easier when the deciding team is comprised of mixed genders. This ensures better-prepared employees who are quick to see situations from different perspectives inclusive of all genders. Differences in opinions and suggestions from both genders would only enhance the possibility of coming to a better and more inclusive conclusion to agree upon. This type of pressure can be an added benefit to companies looking for smart and unique results from their employees. A gender-inclusive workforce that gains recognition across the world is a plus point for any organisation. It can be used as a powerful recruiting tool that indefinitely yields more success.

When a company increases its hiring pool diversity and celebrates its female leaders, it can serve the purpose of inspiring young girls to pursue their dreams of interest and not find themselves any less than their male counterparts. Women Leaders in the corporate world can act a role models for the younger generation. Public policies that provide equal opportunities for all genders must be considered to ensure women feel comfortable joining hands with big organisations. Women leaders are living proof of the fact that other young girls have a shot at succeeding too. Employers in today's time need to be more flexible with work hours. Men in successful positions need to act more responsibly towards ensuring a comfortable workspace for other working women. Men in different households also need to divide chores back home equally so that women do not feel overburdened with all the household responsibilities on their shoulders. Decisive action from everybody working as leaders in organisations can prove immensely helpful for the women working in the tech sector; it would also encourage girls from younger generations with soaring ambitions to be an important part of the tech sector.

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