Responsible Business
Eco-Fashion Is The Way Forward: This Clothing Brand Promotes Sustainability With Its Creations

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Responsible Business

Eco-Fashion Is The Way Forward: This Clothing Brand Promotes Sustainability With Its Creations

Akanksha Saxena
25 Nov 2021 10:42 AM GMT

Named 'Doodlage', the up and coming brand is breaking boundaries with its eco-friendly choices and promoting artisan welfare.

Climate Change has kept the world on its toes. Every little thing that we do has an impact on the earth. In recent years, it has become imperative to shift our focus on our planet's degrading conditions. Nowadays, several companies are going down the sustainable route. From food to beauty and fashion, the brands understand the urgent need for combating climate change in their way. An example of this is 'Doodlage.' Blending sustainability with high style, its creations have recently become the town's talk.

'Inclined To Find Solutions'

Doodlage makes its products by 'upcycling' items. Also known as 'creative reuse', it transforms fabric waste into clothes and accessories. Founded by a Delhi-based fashion designer named Kriti Tula, she wanted to look for innovative solutions to the growing problems caused by the consumerist society. "As a designer, I was always inclined to find solutions, and Doodlage started exactly with that plan. We aimed to start a conversation around ways to bring circularity in fashion and raise awareness about the impact of a linear fashion model," she told The Logical Indian.

Amidst all the glitz and glamour, the fashion industry is one of the most polluting as well. As per a report mentioned in BBC, the industry amounts to 8-10% of carbon emissions globally. Many fabric wastes generated by such companies tend to clog up the landfills, making matters worse. In light of this, Tula wants to bring about a significant change. She adds, "We found ourselves committed to building a social enterprise making season-less clothing and other lifestyle products using low-impact raw material made with better-paid artisans."

Eco-Fashion No Longer An Option

What makes Doodlage stand out is the usage of fabric waste from factories around New Delhi. During such trying times, 'Eco-Fashion' has become the need of the hour. Kriti Tula strongly believes that this is an absolute necessity.She elucidates, "Fashion, among other industries, is one of the most polluting industries and is purely aesthetic. More than enough clothes to last decades for the entire population have been produced. It is important that we find ways to invest in circular alternatives from recycling to reselling to continue to support the people associated with this industry."

Providing Green And Ethical Solutions

"Why are your products so expensive if they are made from waste," Tula quoted one of the frequent questions they asked. Along with this, their supply chains were adversely affected by COVID-19. Due to lockdown, getting raw materials became extremely difficult. The brand had to pass through hurdles to reach where it is today.

However, Doodlage saw an opportunity here. "Consumer was shopping less during the pandemic, which was good in a way. We took the time to connect with consumers to educate them about the industry's waste problems and the available alternatives. We also connected with like-minded brands to collaborate more," said Tula while speaking with The Logical Indian.

All in all, the up and coming fashion brand wants to provide 'green and ethical solutions.' "This idea is not just for our customers and us but also includes the artisans who work with us as well as the ethical fair-wage manufacturing units we associate with. We also make it a point to work with organisations that are willing to promote the training of more women artisans in the country," Tula concludes.

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