Amarinder Singh Quits Congress, Announces New Party Punjab Lok CongressPhoto Credit: ANI

Amarinder Singh Quits Congress, Announces New Party 'Punjab Lok Congress'

Shweta Singh
3 Nov 2021 6:51 AM GMT

Former Punjab Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh has finally resigned from the Congress and launched the "Punjab Lok Congress".

Former Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh tendered his resignation from the Congress party on November 3 to the party head, Sonia Gandhi. The resignation came a month after Singh stepped down from the post of Punjab CM. The act has levelled up a barrage of questions and accusations against the party, and its individual leaders - including party chief Sonia Gandhi, her son and daughter. The resignation has his 40 years long association with the grand old party come to an end.

Singh has also announced the launch of his new party, 'Punjab Lok Congress', the registration of the which is still due with the election commission.

Captain's Resignation

In his letter to Congress president Sonia Gandhi, Captain said, "I hereby tender my resignation from the Indian National Congress in the interest of my state and my country." In the seven-page letter, he stated, "Despite my profound reservations you chose to appoint Navjot Singh Sidhu as president of the Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee. One day the Congress high command will have to regret its decision."

Singh Takes Aim At Gandhi Siblings

"I actually felt deeply hurt by your conduct and that of your children... Unfortunately, rather than reining in Sidhu, he was patronised by Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, while you chose to turn a blind eye to the shenanigans of this gentleman who was aided and abetted by the general secretary in-charge Harish Rawat, perhaps the most dubious individual," the former Chief Minister was quoted as saying by Tribune India.

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