Creative Exploitation: How To Know You Are Being Exploited !

Creative Exploitation: How To Know You Are Being Exploited !

The Logical Indian
17 Jan 2016 2:47 PM GMT
Artist At Work Productions - AAW

Creative Exploitation turns up in different garbs. It is important for every artist to recognize and articulate it. Understand your worth, be mindful of exploitation and help us fight against it with our campaign End Creative Exploitation.




writer peanuts



to be done111




Artists across the globe find themselves treated unjustly. Agreements are dishonored, payments are withheld, credits are refused and other forms of exploitation are practiced on a regular basis, but the creative community has continued to remain silent thus far.

End Creative Exploitation is an attempt by Artist At Work Productions – AAW in association with The Logical Indian to render a voice to the stories of creative exploitation in the industry by allowing these experiences to come to the fore so that the issue can receive the attention it deserves.

Your story deserves 5 minutes of your time. So fill this form ( and share your experience of creative exploitation to help us find a solution.

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