Around Rajasthan In 100 Days: An Opportunity Of Internship

Around Rajasthan In 100 Days: An Opportunity Of Internship

The Logical Indian
7 Nov 2015 2:36 PM GMT

Soochna evam Rozgar Adhikar Abhiyan, Rajasthan is undertaking a 100 day yatra as an active celebration of ten years of the Right to Information Act. The mode of travel will be a large bus, ‘RTI on Wheels’ with volunteer activists moving through the state and spending 3 days in each district. The yatra will be joined by local organizations and people in each of the 33 districts that it will visit. They will meet with communities to take forward accountability issues in areas of education, health, NREGA, ration, pensions, human rights, Right to Information (RTI), mining, environment, dalit and gender issues, PESA etc. The Yatra also marks the culmination of the Neenv Shiksha Ka Sawaal, the year-long campaign undertaken in collaboration with the Rajasthan Patrika on public education in the state.

In each district the yatra team will conduct nukkad sabhas, block level meetings, seminars and workshops, RTI and accountability clinics, theatre, songs, distribution of pamphlets, discussions and meetings with the administration. An accountability mela will be held where we’ll bring in front of the administration the pending issues and grievances of the people. People are encouraged to write about their experiences and share them across different platforms and media.

We require interns to join the 100 day yatra and help with:
1. Organizing the various activities to be conducted in each district
2. Collect and collate information from peoples grievances to present to the administration
3. Develop and disseminate information on accountability issues and mechanisms
4. Take initiative and anchor particular aspects such as theatre, song etc.
5. Document the yatra through blogs, articles, photos, videos etc. as it moves along

Logistics: Citizens’ groups and constituents of the SR Abhiyan will be local organisers and hosts for the Yatra when it comes to their districts. Arrangements for boarding and lodging will be basic, frugal, and shared. No honorarium or monetary support will be provided to interns. The yatra is part of a voluntary campaign and is not a funded project the idea is to raise resources and voluntary contributions from people from all walks of life.

Dates: The Yatra will begin around the 26th of November and end around the end of February. Prospective interns/volunteers are required to commit for a minimum of fifteen days. If interested, please send an email to [email protected] along with your CV.

We would also be very pleased if you could join the Yatra at any point for as many days as possible beyond the minimum fifteen days. We believe that great progress has been made in spheres of transparency but millions of Indians continue to face frustration and a denial of basic rights because of lack of accountability. We hope this Yatra will help make a breakthrough in this area that will affect not just the state of Rajasthan but have a positive effect on participatory democracy in India.

[the photo attached is from the Shiksha ka Sawaal campaign carried out by SR Abhiyan and Rajasthan Patrika earlier this year]

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