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First Alerted To COVID-19 By Office, Not China: WHO Takes Big U-Turn
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First Alerted To COVID-19 By Office, Not China: WHO Takes Big U-Turn

Navya Singh
4 July 2020 5:26 AM GMT

The World Health Organization (WHO) has quietly changed the sequence of events that led to this deadly pandemic. For about six months, the WHO claimed that China informed it about the outbreak of the virus on December 31.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has silently changed the timeline of events that led to the deadly COVID-19 pandemic. For about six months, the WHO claimed that China informed it about the outbreak of the virus on December 31. However, now it has taken a massive U-turn, changing the sequence of events.

On December 31, 2019, WHO had said, "Wuhan municipal health commission reported a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan. A novel coronavirus was eventually identified."

WHO clearly mentioned that the virus was first identified on December 31in Wuhan, which implied that it was reported to the organisation by China.

The changed timeline has the same date but WHO has now claimed, "WHO's country office in the people's republic of china picked up a media statement by the Wuhan municipal health commission from their website on cases of 'viral pneumonia' in Wuhan."

The mention of the virus being identified has very quietly been taken off. The fact that it was reported too has been removed.

The archived timeline stated that on January 01, "WHO had put itself on an emergency footing for dealing with the outbreak...". "Emergency footing" has smartly been rephrased into "coordinating activities".

Adding to that, the WHO says that it "requested information on the reported cluster in Wuhan from Chinese authorities".

The previous timeline made no mention that the WHO received information from China on January 03. This information has been slipped into the new timeline.

"3 January 2020, Chinese officials provided information to WHO on the cluster of cases of viral pneumonia of unknown cause identified in Wuhan"

These changes have dented the WHO's credibility with several nations holding the organisation accountable and also blaming it for being complacent towards China. However, the WHO has denied all such allegations.

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