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An Entire Village In Uttarakhand Was Born On The Same Day, As Per Residents’ Aadhaar CardCourtesy: The Times of India | Image Credit: The Times of India
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An Entire Village In Uttarakhand Was Born On The Same Day, As Per Residents’ Aadhaar Card

Pooja Chaudhuri
27 Oct 2017 10:06 AM GMT

Most of the 800 families of Van Gujjars settled in Gaindi Khata village, 20km from Haridwar, Uttarakhand, have Aadhaar cards with the same birth date – January 1, reported The Times of India.

“We were told we would be getting a unique identification number. But what’s unique about it? Even our birthdays are the same now,” said Mohammad Alafdin to The Times of India. His entire family has the same date of birth on their Aadhaar cards.

The goof-up happened even after residents provided their voter ID and ration cards to the private agency tasked with making Aadhaar cards.

In some cases, even the year of birth is miswritten. Residents say that there were many instances of blunders like the age of a grandmother was as 22 while some children’s ages were listed anywhere between 15 to 60. Moreover, the agency had made these cards two years ago.

Officials of Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), the body tasked with providing the 12-digit identity proof, however, have refused to accept that mistakes were made.

Not an isolated incident

Earlier in May this year, some 1000 villagers of Kanjasa in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh discovered that all of their birth dates in their Aadhaar cards were the same.

The software for Aadhaar is so designed that it automatically updates January 1 as the birthdate of those who aren’t aware of their actual dates of birth. However, this does not explain why those who had provided documents with proof of birth had their birth date written as January 1.

That same month, over 250 people from a village in Rajasthan were registered as having been born on January 1 as per their Aadhaar cards.

The Logical Indian take

With Aadhaar as the centre of debate across the country, especially in the past few months, what is the one reason that the government is continuously stressing on for enrolling for the 12-digit identity number?

It is ‘unique’, thus, there will be no fake or duplicate cards.

With this proven wrong multiple times and social benefits becoming more and more inaccessible because of Aadhaar, there is no good reason for the Centre to keep pushing for it.

The Logical Indian is perturbed with the manner in which the government is pushing to make Aadhaar mandatory. Yesterday, October 26, the Centre told the Supreme Court that it is ‘open’ to extending the deadline to link Aadhaar with various services to March 2018, but only for those who are not already enrolled. How this helps our cause is yet to be ascertained. We hope that the decision on Aadhaar is soon taken and in favour of the common man.

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