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Uttarakhand Govt To Generate Upto 5 Megawatt Electricity From Waste

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Uttarakhand Govt To Generate Upto 5 Megawatt Electricity From Waste

Devyani Madaik
17 July 2020 4:00 AM GMT

Urban Development Minister of the state Madan Kaushik informed that the initiative was taken into consideration keeping in view the present issues faced by most municipalities and corporations of land scarcity in depositing solid waste at one place.

The Uttarakhand government has decided to convert waste generated in the state to electricity under an initiative 'Waste to Energy'.

The electricity will be generated from the waste coming out in the municipal corporation and municipality area.

Urban Development Minister of the state Madan Kaushik informed that the initiative was taken into consideration keeping in view the present issues faced by most municipalities and corporations of land scarcity in depositing solid waste at one place, Doon Live reported.

Uttarakhand produces almost 900 tons of waste everyday, out of which 50% is organic waste, 17% is recycled waste. Of the total 11% is biomedical waste 21% is inert (sand, concrete, etc.) waste.

Almost 40% of the garbage is dumped on roads, ravines, and other places. According to the assessment of the Uttarakhand Environment Protection and Pollution Control Board (UEPPCB), the waste can generate upto 5 MegaWatt of electricity and curb the pollution.

The process of converting the waste into electricity starts from burning the garbage through the incinerator. Following, the heat generated from it is generated by running the turbine.

The government also aims to make use of the 24 MW of biomass power generation capacity available in the state. The biomass is generated from industrial and agricultural wastes, and accounts for 50% of the total waste.

Kaushik informed the media that currently Uttarakhand has a shortage of power of about 221 million units, and one ton of waste can generate up to 600 kW. The government has drafted a policy for the same, and the matter will soon be taken up with the Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat for further course of action.

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