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Harassing Corona Warriors In Uttar Pradesh May Land You In Jail
Uttar Pradesh
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Harassing Corona Warriors In Uttar Pradesh May Land You In Jail

Palak Agrawal
7 May 2020 9:46 AM GMT

The ordinance covers assaults and intended misbehaviour against health workers, paramedical staff, police personnel, sanitation workers or any other corona warrior.

The Uttar Pradesh Cabinet on Wednesday, April 6, approved an ordinance to punish those attacking the front-line warriors deployed by the state government to fight the coronavirus outbreak.

The ordinance covers assaults and intended misbehaviour against health workers, paramedical staff, police personnel, sanitation workers or any corona warrior.

The Uttar Pradesh Public Health and Epidemic Control Ordinance, 2020 prescribes strict action with a maximum punishment of life imprisonment if "death be caused by intentional (COVID-19) affliction".

Section 24 of the ordinance states that any person who intentionally infects another person with a contagious disease shall be punished with a jail term for 2-5 years.

While Section 25 has defined the term "mass affliction" as intentionally infecting five or more persons.

Section 26 of the ordinance mentions the penalties which include rigorous imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than seven years but may extend to imprisonment for life. Additionally, the offender shall also be liable for a sum ranging from Rs 3 lakh to Rs 5 lakh.

The Indian Express reports that the offences have been categorised for concealment and travel by public mode of transport which would put others life at risk.

According to reports, the ordinance will be sent to the Governor for approval. State Principal Secretary (Health) Amit Mohan Prasad said if any person is found to deliberately spread the infection in the community, he/she could be imprisoned for 3-10 years.

Speaking at a press conference, he stated that strict action will be taken against those who spit on the corona warriors, throw dirt, attack or misbehave with them.

Singh added that for violating the quarantine and escaping from the hospital, the punishment would be from one to three years and the fine would be from Rs 10,000 to Rs one lakh.

Also Read: Returnees Can Cause Spike In COVID-19 Cases: Punjab CM Warns Against Migrants Coming Back

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