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UK PM Boris Johnson Launches Anti-Obesity Campaign Amid COVID-19 Pandemic, Urges People To Lose Weight
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UK PM Boris Johnson Launches Anti-Obesity Campaign Amid COVID-19 Pandemic, Urges People To Lose Weight

Navya Singh
29 July 2020 1:51 PM GMT

In a recent tweet, launching the campaign, PM Johnson said that he was ‘just too fat’ during the time he was diagnosed with COVID-19.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has decided to launch a campaign against obesity, citing research claiming that people who are 'overweight' are at a higher risk of getting coronavirus.

PM Johnson recently revealed that he was 'overweight' back in April when he was diagnosed with the coronavirus.

After research conducted by England's public health body found sufficient evidence linking a higher risk of infection, hospitalization, and death to obesity, the UK government decided to launch a campaign against obesity.

According to research, at least two-third population of Britain is overweight while half of those are 'obese'.

In a recent tweet launching the campaign, Johnson said that he was 'just too fat' during the time he was diagnosed with COVID-19.

After he was discharged from the hospital, he said that he has started going on daily runs with his dogs and has tried to lose weight. He also revealed that he has already lost 14 pounds since the time he recovered.

Among some measures to achieve the goal, the government has decided on banning the advertisement of junk food on the television before 9 pm and asking restaurants to mention the calorie count of dishes next to dishes.

In the recent video, PM Johnson also said that he wishes the campaign will help some people bring their weight down as according to the paper if all Britishers lost just 5.5 pounds they would save the NHS $135 million by 2025.

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