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Scotland To Become First Country To Teach LGBTQ History In Schools From 2021
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Scotland To Become First Country To Teach LGBTQ History In Schools From 2021

Sumanti Sen
7 July 2020 2:34 PM GMT

All government school students would mandatorily receive classes on the struggles faced by the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as on equality.

Scotland is set to become the first nation in the world to teach LGBTQ history in schools from next year onwards, in an attempt to tackle discrimination and homophobia. All government school students would mandatorily receive classes on the struggles faced by the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as on equality.

This decision was taken in 2018 by Scottish ministers who accepted recommendations on education that is LGBTQ-inclusive. Scotland has been well known for its progressive attitude regarding the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Campaigners believe that the decision would send a strong message to the LGBTQIA+ students in Scotland, and is likely to make them feel more accepted and safer.

The classes on LGBT history and issues from 2021 will ensure that students are more aware of LGBTQ movements, reported India Today. It will further teach children how to tackle homophobia, biphobia and transphobia.

A survey from British campaign group Stonewall revealed that around 40% of LGBT+ students in Scotland said they hadn't been taught about sexuality issues. Only 22% had learned of safe sex in same-sex relationships.

As per a study in TIE, nine in ten LGBTQ Scots faced homophobia in school. Twenty-seven per cent said they had attempted suicide after being bullied.

When it comes to laws protecting the rights of the LGBTQ community, Scotland is far ahead of many countries. Same-sex civil partnership has been legal since 2005, and same-sex marriage from 2014.

From 2009, same-sex couples can adopt and foster kids legally. As per law since 2010, discrimination on the basis of gender and sexuality has been banned.

Also Read: My Story: 'Being Queer, I Was Asked If I Liked Floral Prints, & The Class Laughed Along'

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