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No Law To Back Your Action, SC Pulls Up UP Govt On Hoarding Naming-Shaming Anti-CAA Protesters
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No Law To Back Your Action, SC Pulls Up UP Govt On Hoarding Naming-Shaming Anti-CAA Protesters

Navya Singh
12 March 2020 9:45 AM GMT

The court, however, said that action should be taken against agitators and they should be punished for the damage they caused.

The Supreme Court on Thursday ordered the Yogi Adityanath-led BJP government in Uttar Pradesh that its decision to put up hoardings featuring anti-Citizenship (Amendment) Act protester has no backing in law.

The apex court, however, did not announce any interim order and said that the matter would be heard next week by a three-judge bench. A vacation bench of Justices UU Lalit and Aniruddha Bose informed Solicitor General Tushar Mehta, appearing for the state, that it is a matter of "great importance". They also asked Mehta whether the state government has the authority to put such posters.

The court, however, said that action should be taken against agitators and they should be punished for the damage they caused. Mehta informed the court that hoardings were set up as a "deterrent" and they only mention the amount that the people are expected to pay for their involvement in violence.

The SC was hearing the state government's appeal challenging the Allahabad High Court's order on March 9 that directed the state to remove hoarding of those accused of destruction of public property during the anti-CAA violence.

The Allahabad High Court on Monday ordered Lucknow's District Magistrate and Police Commissioner to remove the 'name-and-shame' hoardings by March 16 and submit a report on the matter as well.

The court observed that the district administration has no power to put up pictures of people, as it is a violation of one's privacy. The bench, headed by Chief Justice Govind Mathur, had taken suo motu cognizance of the hoardings that were put up on the road on Friday and the court heard the case on Sunday. The verdict was delivered on Monday.

Also Read: Posters Shaming Accused Anti-CAA Protesters To Stay As Yogi Govt Decides To Challenge Allahabad HC Order

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