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Russia Reports Over 10,000 COVID-19 Cases For Fourth Consecutive Day, UK Becomes Epicenter Of Europe

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Russia Reports Over 10,000 COVID-19 Cases For Fourth Consecutive Day, UK Becomes Epicenter Of Europe

Palak Agrawal
6 May 2020 12:50 PM GMT

The United Kingdom has drawn up a three-stage plan to ease the coronavirus lockdown in a phased manner.

The novel coronavirus cases have affected over three million people globally with more than 2.5 lakh fatalities.

The United States is the most-affected country with more than a million COVID-19 infections while Europe remains the worst-hit continent.

Russia has emerged to be a new hotspot for coronavirus in the continent after the country recorded more than 10,000 new cases for the fourth day in a row on Wednesday, May 6.

According to reports, the country, on Wednesday, reported 10,559 new cases over the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of infections to 165,929, including 1,537 deaths.

The COVID-19 cases in Russia have been escalating by more than 10,000 a day since Sunday, May 3.

The country has been placed under a lockdown until May 11. However, President Vladimir Putin is reportedly supposed to hold a government meeting on the lockdown restrictions on Wednesday.

It is important to consider that despite a sharp rise in the number of cases, Russia's official fatality rate has remained low when compared to other countries including Italy, Spain and the United States.

On the other hand, the United Kingdom, with over 30,000 reported deaths has become the epicentre of coronavirus in Europe.

Reportedly, UK has drawn up a three-stage plan to ease the coronavirus lockdown in a phased manner, that is being in place since March.

In the first stage, small shops will reopen. Large stores will open up in the second state and restaurants, hotels leisure centres, among other centres of large public gatherings, will be last to be operational.

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