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Officials Sound Alarm As More Returnees Test Positive For COVID-19 In Andhra, Telangana

Image Source: Vijay Karnataka

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Officials Sound Alarm As More Returnees Test Positive For COVID-19 In Andhra, Telangana

Devyani Madaik
16 May 2020 9:02 AM GMT

Nearly 150 migrant workers and others returnees in Andhra and 60 in Telangana have tested positive till Friday morning.

Migrants in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, who are returning to their states via the Shramik Special trains are increasingly testing positive for the novel coronavirus.

Nearly 150 returnees in Andhra and 60 in Telangana have tested positive till Friday morning.

In Telangana's Jagtial several migrant labourers who returned from Mumbai tested positive for COVID-19. In the last three days, five persons, including a married couple who returned from Mumbai, tested positive for COVID-19, reported The New Indian Express.

"The next three days are important as May 18 is the day the district enters the green zone," said DMHO Dr B Sumath.

Of the 2,784 migrant workers that reached Jagital on Thursday night, 90 per cent were from Mumbai. Authorities instructed staff at all checkpoints along the district's borders to conduct thermal screening.

"Asymptomatic migrants arriving through various points of entry are quarantined at home and in government quarantine facilities. The symptomatic migrants are isolated and tested," a statement said. Officials in Telangana are now worried that the return of migrants may turn several green zone districts, which did not report any COVID-19 cases, into red zones.

The Health Department has been testing all migrant workers returning from other States, especially from Maharashtra.

Even in Andhra 101 of the 150 who returned are from Maharashtra while others are from West Bengal, Odisha, Karnataka, Gujarat, and Rajasthan. The health officials are now engaged in contact tracing in these states, reported The Indian Express.

Of the 57 new cases recorded in Andhra on Friday, 28 were those returning from Koyambedu market in Chennai or their contacts.

The total cases in the state have now risen to 2,192, with 1,252 having recovered. The death toll stood at 48.

Earlier in the week, 170 people who returned to Bihar were found to be infected with the coronavirus. Samples were taken from 25 quarantine centres and it was found out that most positive cases were mainly of those who came from the red zones.

According to a Hindustan Times report, in Jharkhand, one-third of the 154 positive cases spread over 13 districts have been reported in the past week. This is the same period when migrant workers began to reach their home state.

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