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Pets To Be Flown From Delhi To Mumbai In A Private Jet Hired For Rs 9.06 Lakh

Palak Agrawal
8 Jun 2020 12:34 PM GMT

Pet parents can book a seat in the plane for Rs 1.6 lakh.

A private chartered jet has been hired to fly six pets who were stranded amid the coronavirus lockdown, from Delhi to Mumbai in mid-June.

News18 reported that the entire plane costs Rs. 9.06 lakh. Pet parents can book a seat in the plane for Rs 1.6 lakh.

According to reports, the pet-plane idea was floated by entrepreneur and cybersecurity researcher Deepika Singh while she was arranging a jet plane to fly relatives from Delhi, but unfortunately, some of them refused to travel with pets.

In an interview with The Print, the 25-year-old said that some people wanted to travel with their pets, but a few did not agree to it. It was then she decided to go ahead with a separate ride for the animals.

Highlighting the plight of the pets who have been stranded due to the lockdown, away from their owners, Deepika said that this was an attempt to provide a safer ride for the animals who otherwise would have been flown through cargo shipments.

She then got in touch with private jet aggregator Accretion Aviation for a six-seater aircraft exclusively for pets and reportedly four people have already signed up to have their pets onboard from Delhi to Mumbai.

The passengers that have been signed up for the flight so far include two Shih Tzus, one Golden Retriever and one Lady Pheasant bird.

Rahul Muchhal, the owner of Accretion Aviation, said that all the necessary precautions will be followed for the animals as well as their handlers.

He informed that the pets will be screened before boarding and their temperature will be taken. They will travel in cages during the flight.

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