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Dont Celebrate Me If You Are Not Ready To Listen: Climate Activist Reacts To PMs Post For Womens Day

Image credit: Hindustan Times

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'Don't Celebrate Me If You Are Not Ready To Listen': Climate Activist Reacts To PM's Post For Women's Day

Aditi Chattopadhyay
7 March 2020 8:59 AM GMT

PM Modi on Tuesday had said that he will give away his social media accounts to women whose life and work is an inspiration.

Environment activist Licypriya Kangujam who won the World Children Peace from Global Peace Index in 2019, has tweeted that she would rather be heard than celebrated.

The government has acknowledged her as one of the many girls and women in India who inspires Indians as part of PM Modi's women's day initiative where he will be giving away his social media accounts to inspiring women for one day.

Licypriya Kangujam has however turned down the 'honour'. "Government don't listen to my voice and today they selected me as one of the inspiring women of the country. Is it fair?" she has asked the government in her tweet.

PM Modi took everyone to surprise with his tweet about giving up his Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube accounts.

The hashtag #ModiQuitsSocialMedia began trending in India, with users quick to share carefully mismatched conspiracy theories, memes and desperate pleas.

However, the PM, who has 54 million followers on Twitter, 35.2 million followers Instagram, and 44 million followers on Facebook, soon revealed the true reason behind his abandonment of social media.

On Tuesday, March 3, the PM said that he will give away his social media accounts to women whose life and work inspire everyone. He would give away his accounts on Sunday, 8th March, which is the Women's Day.

PM Modi said that the move will help women ignite motivation in millions.

Soon, netizens flooded the internet with alternate ideas for the PM to pay homage to the women of the country. Most of the suggestions were critical about the safety and the state of women in India.

Some said 'unfollow & not encourage trolls who give rape threats & abuse women, that would send a good message'

Some of the people also suggested the names of women such as Faye DSouza, Shehla Rashid, Swara Bhaskar, Rana Ayyub who have been critical of the present government.

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