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Muslim Woman Files Discrimination Charges On Starbucks, After Cafe Writes ISIS On Her Cup

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Muslim Woman Files Discrimination Charges On Starbucks, After Cafe Writes 'ISIS' On Her Cup

Devyani Madaik
10 July 2020 5:09 AM GMT

"When I first received the drink, I was in shock that in this day and age, something like this could be written," Aishah said. "I felt humiliated, I felt enraged, I felt belittled," she gasped.

A Muslim woman in the United States was left feeling enraged and humiliated after coffeehouse Starbucks wrote 'ISIS' on her cup instead of her name.

The incident took place on July 1, when Aishah ordered a drink for herself at the cafe chain inside Target at St. Paul, Minnesota. It is a standard procedure to give the name while ordering a drink, with staff writing it on the cup. But the 19-year-old- who was wearing a hijab, noticed the barista writing something on her cup before she could even finish giving her details.

"When I first received the drink, I was in shock that in this day and age, something like this could be written," Aishah said. "I felt humiliated, I felt enraged, I felt belittled," she gasped.

After she spoke to the cafe's manager, Aishah said her concerns were dismissed, and the manager stated that, 'mistakes sometimes occurred'.

She was given a new drink and a $25 Starbucks gift card before being escorted from the premises by security officers.

"I was hoping that the manager who came could see the Islamophobic nature of the incident, but instead, she sided with the staff member."

Speaking to CNN, Aishah said that she repeated her name multiple times to the barista while placing her order. In response, the employee claimed that she did not hear her name correctly, to which Aishah said that there is absolutely no way one could mishear it as 'ISIS'.

Later, she immediately filed a formal complaint to Target about the incident.

In a statement written to the media on Monday, Target said that they have investigated the matter and 'believe that it was not a deliberate act but an unfortunate mistake that could have been avoided with a simple clarification'.

However, Starbucks declined to comment on the matter.

Aishah is now being represented by the Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-MN), who filed a charge on July 6 to the Minnesota Department of Human Rights.

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