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Manipur: Denied Admission By Five Hospitals, Pregnant Woman Dies, Govt Orders Probe

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Manipur: Denied Admission By Five Hospitals, Pregnant Woman Dies, Govt Orders Probe

Navya Singh
7 Aug 2020 7:23 AM GMT

After the incident surfaced, the Manipur government instructed all government and private hospitals "to ensure that all patients who reach their facility are attended promptly, especially emergency and time-bound cases."

In a shocking incident, a 20-year-old woman in Imphal with pregnancy-related complications died on August 5 after five hospitals allegedly denied admission to her, citing unavailability of doctors.

The woman, identified as Kanpatliu Kamei, was admitted to a government hospital in Senapati district at 2 pm on August 4, but was referred to another hospital in Imphal after she developed complications.

She was then brought to the state capital but died along with her unborn child early on Thursday, after two government-run hospitals and three private facilities denied her admission.

The family was also carrying a medical certificate declaring that the woman had tested negative for coronavirus.

"An enquiry committee has been constituted to look into the causes leading to the death of the woman," Health Minister L Jayantakumar Singh said. The probe panel has been ordered to submit its report within a week.

The district hospital at Sepanati referred the woman to the Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Medical Sciences (JNIMS) in Imphal, the woman's elder brother said.

"When we reached there, we were told that there was no doctor to attend to her and we should go to RIMS (Regional Institute of Medical Sciences)," he added. He said that after they went to RIMS, another state-run hospital denied admission to her sister.

From there, they took her to three private facilities one after another, however, none of them admitted her and she died outside of one such hospital.

After the incident surfaced, the Manipur government instructed all government and private hospitals "to ensure that all patients who reach their facility are attended promptly, especially emergency and time-bound cases".

"Many health care facilities are denying service to patients due to Covid-19 pandemic. Each hospital shall designate responsible staff to ensure there is no denial of service," an order issued by the department's Principal Secretary V Vummunlang stated.

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