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Number Of COVID-19 Cases In India Reach 341, Six Dead Due To The Virus

Image Credit: Jagran

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Number Of COVID-19 Cases In India Reach 341, Six Dead Due To The Virus

Navya Singh
22 March 2020 12:15 PM GMT

As many as six people have succumbed to the deadly pandemic as of Sunday and 23 have recovered from hospitals across different states.

The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in India jumped to 341 with 26 fresh cases reported from across the country, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) said on Sunday.

As many as six people have succumbed to the deadly pandemic as of Sunday and 23 have recovered from hospitals across different states.

Two new cases of novel coronavirus related death were reported from Bihar and Maharashtra, however, the Union health ministry is yet to confirm the cause of the fatality in the eastern state.

Maharashtra has recorded 10 new cases on taking the total number of patients to 74 in the state. Of the 10, six are from Mumbai and four from Pune.

The sudden spike in the COVID-19 cases in the country comes on the day when the people in the country vowed to keep themselves at the homes after Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged for a 'Janata Curfew' to contain the spread of the virus. The Janata Curfew started at 7am on Sunday and will end at 9pm.

The train and metro services across several parts of the country, including Delhi and Mumbai were called off amid the coronavirus scare.

With the rise in case of COVID-19 patients, the Indian Council for Medical Research has revised its testing guidelines to include those who are asymptomatic to the virus. It is now screening and testing all those with respiratory problems, fever, cough, cold or any other symptom.

Also Read: Flattening The Coronavirus Curve: How Social Distancing Can Help Mitigate The Outbreak?

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