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ICU Is Not Good: Last Words Of Hyderabad Journalist Who Died Of COVID-19 Waiting For Oxygen

Image Credit: Prabhas Sakshi

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"ICU Is Not Good": Last Words Of Hyderabad Journalist Who Died Of COVID-19 Waiting For Oxygen

Navya Singh
10 Jun 2020 3:02 PM GMT

The family alleged that the journalist had tried to contact his colleagues to get help. However, he could only manage to arrange a seat in the Intensive Care Unit after hours of struggle.

A 33-year-old journalist, identified as Manoj, who had tested positive for COVID-19, struggled to breathe while he sat in Hyderabad's Gandhi Hospital. As the greaving family ran from pillar to post to get some help, the man succumbed to the deadly virus.

The family alleged that the journalist had tried to contact his colleagues to get help. However, he could only manage to arrange a seat in the Intensive Care Unit after hours of struggle.

His last text to his brother Sai reads, "Icu is not good, please will go to private hospital."

In his last few messages, Manoj also mentioned that he was not given oxygen even when he complained of a severe breathing problem.

A viral video released by the family narrating the entire incident has triggered massive outrage against the hospital authorities.

Sai said that both he and Manoj went to the hospital when they developed a fever. They were then taken to the isolation ward as both the brothers had tested positive for COVID-19.

As per local reports, Sai was discharged on Monday.

He claimed that initially both of them had to wait for hours to finish the paperwork and later got admission in a ward where no doctor was present.

When Manoj complained of a breathing problem, his brother went out to look for a doctor. However, the cleaning and support staff asked him to wait until the next morning. Manoj meanwhile succumbed to the infection.

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