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Gujarat: Woman Forced Into Prostitution By Brother-In-Law, His Friend; Both Detained
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Gujarat: Woman "Forced" Into Prostitution By Brother-In-Law, His Friend; Both Detained

Sumanti Sen
18 Jun 2020 3:01 AM GMT

A case was registered under the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act at Gorwa police station against the two men.

Two men were detained by Vadodara police this week for forcing a woman into prostitution. A case was registered under the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act at Gorwa police station against the men - the woman's brother-in-law and his friend.

The woman had begun to live with her sister and brother-in-law eight days ago in Gorwa, Gujarat.

The second accused was earlier arrested twice under the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, police said.

These arrests were made a day after the 22-year-old woman was stabbed and critically injured by a man who was detained in connection with a case of murder the same evening.

The man had allegedly murdered his father-in-law and attacked his mother-in-law when he went to meet his estranged wife.

It was later found after questioning that the man had stabbed the woman in a hotel room over payment issues, after she was forced into prostitution by her brother-in-law and her friend.

"The woman's sister was unaware that her husband was involved… The woman is hospitalised… We will record her statements again. The accused have been sent for Covid testing and are yet to be questioned," The Indian Express quoted Investigating Officer KM Chassiya as saying.

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