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Two Autopsy Reports Cite Homicide As Reason For George Floyds Death, Differs On Causes

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Two Autopsy Reports Cite 'Homicide' As Reason For George Floyd's Death, Differs On Causes

Palak Agrawal
2 Jun 2020 2:44 PM GMT

The post-mortem surgical procedure was conducted by the county medical examiner while the other by independent pathologists who were commissioned by Floyd's family.

George Floyd, a resident of Minnesota who lost his life after a police officer, while arresting Floyd, pressed his knee onto his neck, died by homicide, revealed the results of two autopsies which were released on Monday, June 1.

The post-mortem surgical procedure was conducted by the county medical examiner while the other by independent pathologists who were commissioned by Floyd's family.

The two autopsy reports differed on exactly how Floyd died.

The independent autopsy by Floyd's family determined that he died of asphyxiation from sustained pressure which means a state of being deprived of oxygen which can lead to suffocation or death.

However, the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's final autopsy report concluded that combined effects of being restrained, chemicals in Floyd's system and his underlying health issues, including heart disease, likely contributed to his death.

Autopsy Report By Floyd's Family

The attorney representing George Floyd's family says the findings of an independent autopsy have determined that Floyd died of asphyxiation from sustained pressure.

According to a statement, attorney Ben Crump said that the independent autopsy determined that "sustained pressure on the right side of Floyd's carotid artery impeded blood flow to the brain, and weight on his back impeded his ability to breathe."

It meant that having handcuffed on a particular position when pressed on the road impaired the ability of his diaphragm to function.

The autopsy was performed by medical examiners Dr Michael Baden and Dr Allecia Wilson.

"What we found is consistent with what people saw. There is no other health issue that could cause of contribute to the death. Police have this false impression that if you can talk, you can breathe. That's not true," Baden said, reported CBS News.

Autopsy Report By Hennepin County Medical Examiner's Office

The medical examiner's office, in its report also released Monday, said that the manner of death is homicide, and listed "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression" as the cause of death.

Cardiopulmonary arrest means Floyd's heart failed because of being restrained coupled with chemicals in his system and underlying health issues.

Also Read: Fact Check: No, US City Atlanta Did Not Deploy Child Militia Amid Protests Over George Floyd's Death

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