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Delhi Medical Association Slams CM Kejriwal For 'Intimidating' Doctors, Hospitals About COVID-19 Admissions

Devyani Madaik
7 Jun 2020 7:20 AM GMT

Slamming Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, Delhi Medical Association (DMA) on Sunday said that his 'warning' to private hospitals demoralises the doctors.

The Delhi Medical Association on Saturday condemned Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's comments after he warned the doctors and hospitals of stern action if they refuse admissions to COVID-19 patients or indulge in "black-marketing" of beds amid growing concerns over a surge in coronavirus cases in the capital.

On Tuesday, Kejriwal warned private hospitals against refusing to treat accidents and COVID patients in the city. He further said that despite a scheme launched by the AAP dispensation in February 2018, under which the Delhi government bears all expenses of treatment on such patients, some hospitals were refusing to treat them.

In the statement, the association slammed the way Delhi CM intimidated health workers and threatened the hospitals, stating that his warning to private hospitals 'demoralises' the doctors and is highly condemnable.

"Doctors who are serving the people of Delhi tirelessly from the last two months in this pandemic crisis risking their lives feel insulted by the way they are being treated," the body in the statement read.

The medical body also raised concerns over the government's action of penalising hospitals, after an FIR was filed against Ganga Ram Hospital, a leading private facility for 'violating rules for registering coronavirus tests.'

The association has demanded formation of a coordination committee for medical professionals with the Delhi government officials, to look after the healthcare facilities for early detection and treatment.

They have asked for the appointment of a Nodal officer for each region, who will facilitate overall functioning of COVID care.

"Every hospital and nursing home giving Covid care should have a dedicated testing Lab Facilities," it read, adding "smooth and timely transfer of severely sick patients to higher tertiary care Centre.

In case of any COVID-19 death, the association has asked the government to look after the smooth transfer and cremation of the body.

Also Read: India Now Fifth Most COVID-19 Affected Nation, Surpasses Spain

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