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Delhi: Over 100 Guards At AIIMS Quarantined After 12 Among Them Test Positive For COVID-19

Image Credits: Madhyamam, Patrika

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Delhi: Over 100 Guards At AIIMS Quarantined After 12 Among Them Test Positive For COVID-19

Palak Agrawal
3 May 2020 2:42 PM GMT

To check on the potential transmission of the virus from such guards, their contacts were traced and the authorities revealed that many of them were from Kotla Mubarakpur.

Over 100 security guards posted at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi, have been quarantined after a number of such guards who are residents of Delhi's Kotla Mubarakpur tested positive for the novel coronavirus.

According to reports, two security guards tested COVID-19 positive on Saturday, April 2.

The decision to ask the guards to home-isolate themselves was taken after 12 of them had tested positive for the virus.

To check on the potential transmission from such guards, their contacts were traced and the authorities revealed that many of them were from Kotla Mubarakpur.

"We have asked over 100 security guards to go for home quarantine after it was discovered that all of them are residing in that area. The staff has also been reduced to ensure no further transmission. None of the staff members who have tested positive from our hospital were posted at COVID wards," said Dr D K Sharma, medical superintendent of the hospital, reported, The Indian Express.

On April 26, due to the increase in the number of cases the area between Kumhar Gali & Chaupal Chawk in Kotla Mubarakpur was added to the list of containment zones in Delhi.

Reportedly, 22 healthcare workers, including nurses, hospital attendant, security guards and a doctor have tested positive so far at the county's prime medical institute.

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