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'Rozgar Bazar': Delhi Govt Launches Online Portal For Job Seekers, Employers Amid COVID-19

Palak Agrawal
28 July 2020 3:50 AM GMT

Labour Minister Gopal Rai had said the services of the job portal would be free and an applicant need not pay any money for registration.

Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal led-Delhi government on Monday, July 27, launched an online portal for employers and job seekers. He appealed to the traders, industrialists and people to come together to help revive the national capital's economy.

Addressing a virtual briefing, CM Kejriwal launched the website, named as 'Rozgar Bazar' which is a sort of marketplace for job seekers and the recruiters looking for employees.

He pointed out that many people had lost their jobs and businesses were impacted due to the on-going novel coronavirus pandemic.

"There are people who want jobs and there are traders, businessmen, professionals, contractors who are not getting the right person for their work," he said at a virtual press briefing.

"This portal will fill this gap by bringing them together on one platform," he added.

Labour Minister Gopal Rai had said the services of the job portal would be free and an applicant need not pay any money to anyone for registration.

CM Kejriwal further said that an order is being passed in favour of street hawkers so that they can start their work from today.

Meanwhile, Delhi has reported a significant improvement in the COVID-19 situation with the recovery rate standing at 88 per cent and only nine per cent are still infected, said the Chief Minister.

"There is an improvement in the COVID situation in Delhi. The Delhi model is being discussed in India and abroad. Today the recovery rate in Delhi is 88 per cent, only 9 per cent of the people are ill now and 2-3 per cent of the people have died. There is a decline in the number of deaths as well," Kejriwal said.

Also Read: 'Beggars Could Be Corona Spreaders, Don't Give Them Money': Advisor to the Chandigarh Administrator

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