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Delhi: Muslim Woman Cremated, Hindu Taken For Burial As AIIMS Mixes Up BodiesImage Credit: Sakshi, Financial Express
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Delhi: Muslim Woman Cremated, Hindu Taken For Burial As AIIMS Mixes Up Bodies

Navya Singh
10 July 2020 9:20 AM GMT

On Tuesday evening, the family received a call from the hospital informing them that they had mistakenly handed over the wrong body while Kusmlata's body was still at the hospital.

A case of gross medical negligence has surfaced in the country's premier medical institution, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi.

52-year-old Kusumlata, resident of Kailash Nagar in Ghaziabad was admitted to AIIMS-Delhi due to poor health.

She passed away on Sunday evening, after which a body was handed over to her family the very next morning.

After it came to light that Kusumlata had tested positive for the COVID-19, the family cremated the body that was handed over to them as per Hindu rituals at the Punjabi Bagh crematorium.

However, on Tuesday evening, the family received a call from the hospital informing them that they had mistakenly handed over the wrong body while Kusumlata's body was still at the hospital.

The grieving family members went to AIIMS, collected Kusumlata's body and finally cremated it.

The hospital later revealed that the body handed over to them earlier was that of Anjum, who was a resident of Bareilly.

Anjum was admitted to the AIIMS Trauma Centre on July 4. She had tested positive for COVID-19.

During her treatment, Anjum succumbed to the deadly virus on July 6.

Her relatives were informed by the hospital administration about her death at around 2 PM that same day.

The family who had to bury her at a cemetery in Delhi realized that the body handed over to them was not Anjum's. They immediately informed AIIMS-Delhi and came to know that Anjum's body had been mistakenly handed over to Kusumlata's family who cremated it as per Hindu rituals.

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