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Delhi Riots Charge Sheet Omits BJP Leader Kapil Mishras Speech
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Delhi Riots Charge Sheet Omits BJP Leader Kapil Mishra's Speech

Richa Mukherjee
9 Jun 2020 1:44 PM GMT

In the 1,500 words on the chronology of events, the police failed to mention hate speeches by BJP leader.

Charge sheets filed by the Delhi Police in connection with the Delhi riots in February while focusing intently on the chronology of events leading to the riots has very conveniently omitted Kapil Mishra's inciteful speech.

The Delhi Police on June 3 had filed a charge sheet in connection with the murder of Intelligence Bureau employee Ankit Sharma, during the North East Delhi violence in Chandbagh area.

The Quint reported that the police in the charge sheet had included an over 1500 word long section titled "Chronology Of Events Leading To Riots In North-East, Delhi", a document which laid down the premise on which the police's probed into the violence.

As per the charge sheet, the police believes that the outbreak of the riots was a planned conspiracy by a section of those protesting against the CAA bill and the violence displayed on the part of the police was a mere retaliation.

However, what was shocking was that the police's "chronology" had no mention of Kapil Mishra's speech at Maujpur on 23 February, in which he gave an ultimatum to the Delhi Police to "clear the streets" in three days or he would get it done on his own.

The chronology cites the blocking of roads by anti-CAA protesters on 22 February and 23 February but then leaps straight to the outbreak of riots, completely omitting the BJP leader's inflammatory speech.

The events of the 'Chronology' accounted for events beginning with the Jamia Milia violence on December 13 to blocking of Jafrabad main road by protesters on February 22. The events on the day of Mishra's speech was detailed in four parts, all pertaining to the gathering of protesters at Jafrabad Metro Station. One of the excerpts of the events as follows,

"On 23.02.2020, information was received that at 3.00 PM that some people demanding reopening of the carriageway of 66-Foot Road at the Jafrabad Metro station would assemble in Mauj Pur Chowk, which is about 750 meters from Jafrabad Metro station."

"Thereafter, all residents from the areas of Jafrabad and Kardampuri (who had been supporting the blockage of the metro station) numbering in thousands gathered and started stone pelting from both sides on the crowd which was demanding re-opening of the carriageway of 66-Foota Road and the Jafrabad Metro station. The police intervened and dispersed the crowds on both sides by firing tear gas shells and lathi charge."

In none of the excerpts, there is mention of the invigorating speech. But the Police termed protests by the students as violent and aggressive in nature.

Surprisingly according to the police's own charge sheet, the major clashes broke out on 24 February precisely at Maujpur, the area where Mishra made his speech and yet he was absolved of his provocative statements made in the presence of the DCP.

Earlier Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerburg also reportedly quoted BJP leader Kapil Mishra's controversial speech made in February, allegedly linked to the Delhi riots, as an example for 'incitement of violence' as per Facebook's community guidelines.

Also Read: Kapil Mishra's 'We Will Clear The Street Comment Incites Violence', Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg

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