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China Reports 57 New COVD-19 Cases Amid Growing Fears Of Resurgence Of Deadly Virus
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China Reports 57 New COVD-19 Cases Amid Growing Fears Of Resurgence Of Deadly Virus

Richa Mukherjee
14 Jun 2020 8:38 AM GMT

The new cluster of domestic infections prompted fresh lockdowns with people mandated to stay home in 11 residential estates near to the market.

China reported 57 new cases of COVID-1 on Sunday, the highest daily figure in two months since April, as concerns grew about a resurgence of the deadly coronavirus.

The outbreak in China had been brought under control after the imposition of lockdowns that stretched for over two months. However, the rise of new cases, with 36 cases reported from the capital Beijing brought with it new fears of a second wave of outbreak In China.

The new outbreak of a virus was linked to a meat and vegetable market in south Beijing.The new cluster of domestic infections prompted fresh lockdowns with people mandated to stay home in 11 residential estates near to the market.

The Xinfadi market on Beijing's southeastern side was closed on Saturday and neighboring residential compounds locked down after more than 50 people in the capital tested positive for coronavirus. They were the first confirmed cases in 50 days in the city of 20 million people. Police also installed white fencing to seal off a road leading to a cluster of apartment buildings.

The rise of the new set of domestic infections has left people apprehensive about the future. Concerns were also raised about the safety of the food supply chain in the country where a lot of food markets were closed down.

Police and the paramilitary were deployed at the Xinfadi market. Beijing's market supervision authorities ordered a city-wide food safety inspection focusing on fresh and frozen meat, poultry, and fish in supermarkets, warehouses, and catering services.

Nine nearby schools and kindergartens have been closed and Beijing has postponed the return of students to primary schools.

Also Read: Maharashtra Overtakes China In Number Of COVID-19 Cases

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