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Sore Throat, Loss Of Taste Added To List Of  COVID-19 Symptoms By Center For Disease Control

Image credit: The HighWire/Twitter, Julio Rodriguez/Twitter (Reprsentational Image)

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Sore Throat, Loss Of Taste Added To List Of COVID-19 Symptoms By Center For Disease Control

Aditi Chattopadhyay
28 April 2020 10:41 AM GMT

The organisation, however, maintained that the list is not all-inclusive and has recommended consulting the medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning to the people.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the leading national public health institute of the United States has now added six more to bring the total to nine, as experts continue to study the virus and the disease it causes.

According to the CDC, people with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported which could range from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People showing these symptoms or combinations of symptoms may have COVID-19.

(1) Cough

  • (2) Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

    Or at least two of these symptoms:

    (1) Fever

    (2) Chills

    (3) Repeated shaking with chills

    (4) Muscle pain

    (5) Headache

    (6) Sore throat

    (7) New loss of taste or smell

    The organisation, however, maintained that the list is not all-inclusive and has recommended consulting the medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning to the people.

    They have further recommended people should seek medical attention immediately if they are showing the following signs.

    (1) Trouble breathing

    (2) Persistent pain or pressure in the chest

    (3) New confusion or inability to arouse

    (4) Bluish lips or face

    According to an NDTV article, the mortality rate of COVID-19 patients in India is 3.1 per cent as compared to 7 per cent globally, Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan announced on April 26. He added that many hotspot districts are moving towards becoming non-hotspots.

    The recovery rate of COVID-19 is at 22 per cent. As many as 5,913 people have been cured of the disease so far, he said.

    The minister further said that the doubling rate of coronavirus cases has been showing regular improvement and stands at 10.5 days when seen over a period of three days.

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