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Age No Bar: 50-Yr-Old School Drop-Out Granny Clears Class 12 Board Exams In Meghalaya

Palak Agrawal
15 July 2020 11:24 AM GMT

The oldest student proudly donned the uniform while she attended classes at Balawan College for two years.

A 50-year-old grandmother from Umsning Lumumpih village in Ri Bhoi district of Meghalaya has cleared the Class 12 board examinations with flying colours.

Lakyntiew Syiemlieh, mother to four, a grandmother to two decided to pursue her higher secondary education 30 years after she dropped out of school.

The results of the Meghalaya board's Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate (HSLLC), Arts stream, were announced on Monday, July 13, and Ms Lakyntiew passed the exams, according to the board's website.

The oldest student proudly donned the uniform while she attended classes at Balawan College for two years. She chose Khasi, Political Science, Economics, Education and English as her subjects.

"I am so happy to have cleared the examinations," said Ms Lakyntiew, reported NDTV.

"My children are so thrilled that they started shouting, hugging and kissing me when the results were declared yesterday. In fact, it was the happiest day of my life," she told to The Indian Express.

The grandmother had dropped out of school in 1988 because mathematics did not turn out to be a good subject for her.

Narrating experiences of her life, she said that she put a break on her school education because mathematics was too difficult for her to understand and later she was offered teaching job which brought her the joy of re-learning.

In 2015, Ms Lakyntiew took up a distance education course offered by IGNOU ( Indira Gandhi National Open University) after a gap of 26 years to retain her post at SSA School, where she used to teach.

She further added that the absence of mathematics in the IGNOU course helped her stick to her education over the period.

"To be honest, we were surprised. Sometimes, we have 30-year-olds, who have just gotten married, attending classes. But a 50-year-old, and with her level of enthusiasm and dedication, is just rare," said Father Laurence, Principal, Balawan College.

Education Minister Lahkmen Rymbui congratulated Ms Lakyntiew for her feat despite her age.

"Age is not an issue when one is in search of education. Lakyntiew Syiemlieh is an example for everybody and especially those who give up studies midway. I congratulate her and appreciate her hardwork and dedication," Mr Rymbui said.

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