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My Story: I Can Skip My Meal, But Not My Reading

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My Story: 'I Can Skip My Meal, But Not My Reading'

Pratibha Sahu
17 Oct 2021 3:07 PM GMT

Swapna Peri is a freelance blogger and book reviewer. She loves reading so much that it has become a part of her life. Till now she has completed reading approximately 1,650 books.

I am a book reviewer, author, translator, copy editor, freelance blogger for some publications and some e-magazines. I have completed my B Tech in computer science and am a former SAP technical consultant. I am an avid reader and it's a part of my life. I have finished reading around 50 books but I still want to read all the books in the world even though it's not possible practically. I am so fond of it that I can miss my meal, however, not my reading.

The habit of reading was inculcated in me by my family. My mother is a Telugu writer and my father is a voracious reader. I was introduced to books when I was in third grade and at that time, I loved reading Archies comics, Champak, Tinkle, and the Telugu edition of Chandamama. When I was young, these genres used to fascinate me the most.

The journey of me becoming a full-time book reviewer was something that happened gradually. I started as a blogger and then as a serious book review. Whenever I used to buy books online, I used to review them on the website itself. I quit my job in 2016 and when my friend asked me to review a book in 2017, I had no idea about it. I started blogging later that year and in this manner, my hobby became a part-time profession for me.

I used to read Telugu as it is my mother tongue. Then I started listening to audiobooks of other south Indian languages as they are similar to my mother tongue. Earlier in 2021, my blog was listed in the top 100 book reviewing blogs and was ranked in the 27th position in India.

Nowadays, people do not even have proper time for themselves and it's quite tough to get time for reading books. The younger generation is not reading regional language books as there is a lack of new generation authors. I read the Telugu books my parents used to read when they were growing up. Also, the reading habit is slowly disappearing because all information is available on our phones. Since English has become a global language, regional languages are slowly also vanishing.

Among the new generation, my favourite author is Chetan Bhagat. The way he explains the story using simple language is what attracted me to his work the most. Well, I read books from every genre. You can say I am a multi-tasker as I watch TV while reading a book.

The tips I have for beginners to start picking up the habit is:

  • You should understand where your interest lies, what kind of things you like in your life, and what entices you more
  • A little research and some conversation with people will help you decide which book you want to read
  • Talk to people who read. Try reading blogs and start reading book reviews
  • Pick up any book you have at your home and start reading them

I finish approximately four to five books in two-three days. A 40-page book, a 10-page book and a one-page book is also a book. I pick up books through which I can manage my other time too. I am a movie buff and love watching world cinema. There are stories picturised through films and even in a much better way than books. Movies usually take two to three hours of your time, whereas, a book takes a few days to finish. But the journey we go through while reading a book is something we can't experience while watching a movie.

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