My Story
My Story: Some Opportunities Will Come To You Accidentally
Tamil Nadu
My Story

My Story: 'Some Opportunities Will Come To You Accidentally'

Pratibha Sahu
20 Oct 2021 11:15 AM GMT

A.R Rahman's music school pass out Sterlin Nithya is working hard to get a kick start in her music composition profession. She is a pianist, a composer and is pushing her limits to be on the list of the top music composers in the country soon.

In the beginning, it was no doubt a tough job to enter and survive in this music industry. Yes, the reason may be the lack of female participation in the music composition field. We don't have a big list of female Indian composers in the industry. We face hurdles, even get rejected sometimes, but standing stiff and waiting for the right opportunity is the attitude I believe in.

I once went for a normal visit to one studio for my project that elevated my entire life. It was a funny incident that sums up accidentally into a beautiful opportunity. There was one person from the music department of the movie who asked me to explain the whole scene and situation of the movie and if I will be able to produce some good musical stuff to fit in the gap between the two scenes. I ponder over it for a few minutes then I recite what I created in front of the team over there.

Their expression was somewhere depicting that they liked the combination of words that I have presented over there but they didn't reveal the final decision at that moment. They told me that we will inform you after getting your creation reviewed by the director. I received a call the next morning and that was a turning point in my life. The person on the other side of the call congratulated me first and then told me that not only my words, but even my voice got selected for that particular thing in the movie. I was overwhelmed and didn't know how to digest that big news at that moment.

It was certainly a woohoo moment for me. So yes opportunities will come to you accidentally, you just need to polish and work on yourself. Recently I am going to debut as a music composer in the megastar Aari Arjun upcoming movie which is going to be a big project in my life.

I have faced many hurdles and am still going through them. I consider myself a pianist more than a performer because all the performances cannot teach the music it needs to. In the initial days I have mugged up with a lot of things, I have freelanced in sound engineering work, composed jingles, music for short films, background themes, etc. So all these days paid off when I got the Aari Arjunan movie project.

Indians need to put music on first priority

I am stating this statement because, in this hustle-bustle world, music is something that gives you peace of mind, relieves stress, and fills a sense of joy inside you. But the harsh reality that I have met during lockdown was that in our country music still remains the last priority. India is a country that is rich in vast classical music, but in lockdown when it comes to the extracurricular syllabus, music was the first subject to get deleted at that moment to reduce the online classes timing which was not at all justifiable.

In western countries, they give equal importance to music as other educational subjects. If music is taught at an early age, it will help the child to cope up in the future much differently. Nowadays bureaucrats, doctors, army persons started learning music and somewhere their participation in this field has been increased. The main reason behind this is that music is a stress buster and brings you to a peaceful zone.

Music is my higher power that's why I spend each and every moment in and around music.

I have been working in education for the past 7 years with some music institutes as a piano teacher and have gone through so many ups and downs during these years. Many people dominated over me too and also grabbed opportunities of mine. The thing is that these types of things are common at your workplace also. Now I have moved on and have started my own institute Vivace School of music. I am teaching students from many parts of the world and preparing my students for the toughest musical exam at the Associated Board of Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM).

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