My Story
My Story: Faced Humiliation From All As My Mother Was A Flower Vendor, Now I Earn Six-Digit Income

Picture Credit: Nirmal Kumar

Tamil Nadu
My Story

My Story: 'Faced Humiliation From All As My Mother Was A Flower Vendor, Now I Earn Six-Digit Income'

Ronit Kumar Singh
25 Jun 2022 2:43 AM GMT

Coming from a village in Chennai, a son of a flower vendor, Nirmal faced a lot of humiliation in his early days from friends and relatives. He decided to change things on his own and now earns a six-digit monthly income.

From being a son of a flower vendor to earning a six-digit monthly income, my journey has been full of negative and positive experiences. I come from a village in Chennai where my mother has worked as a flower vendor for the last 16 years and my father as a television mechanic. We faced a lot of humiliations from relatives and friends. Most of them were disrespectful to us, and some used to tease me as my parents were not a millionaire. My close friends left me, and some even insulted me after learning that I'm a son of a flower vendor. I started faking my teenage and never told the truth to anyone when I was asked about my parents.

After so many humiliations by society, my parents never gave up. They used to bring Rs 100-200 daily and used all that money on my education, clothing, and food. During these 16 years, they never visited a place and ate at a fancy hotel. I always heard them saying to me, "Nirmal, study well and work hard so that you won't face the struggles we have been facing for so many years". I studied at Vels University, Pallavaram, Chennai. During my studies, I worked as a delivery boy to make ends meet for my family and me.

This Field Changed Me And My Life

In 2017, I discovered the field of digital marketing, which attracted me. I didn't have enough money to spend on the expensive course, but I never gave up on my dreams. I started learning the basics at my college and explored horizons of opportunity. Upon completion of my graduation, I joined a popular channel as a digital marketing executive. I worked and gained new experiences for six months, leaving for a new beginning.

I started my digital entrepreneurial journey in 2020 and had my first client on board. I was paid more than my salary earlier by just a single client. Then COVID-19-led pandemic came into the picture, and soon I had nothing left. Many a time, I thought that it was a wrong decision to leave my job because my financial situation became as same as it was earlier. But I never gave up on my dreams and took mentorship from my mentor Swarup Rao. Once again, I started my career and now earn a six-digit monthly income. I firmly believe that everyone should have self-confidence and trust in their skills. If I can achieve my dreams in such an uncertain situation, anyone can do it.

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