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My Story: I Was Jobless For Around Five Months Due To Pandemic And Felt Like I Had Hit Rock Bottom
My Story

My Story: "I Was Jobless For Around Five Months Due To Pandemic And Felt Like I Had Hit Rock Bottom"

Ankita Singh
23 Feb 2021 12:18 PM GMT

Niket Sharma started preparing for civil services exams during his third year in college. However, he was not supported by his parents for his career choice and was soon diagnosed with depression. He was jobless after the pandemic struck which made him feel directionless in life. Then, he decided to purchase a domain and start a digital marketing blog on it. It helped him to establish his freelancing career and now he wants to work passionately in this field.

Since childhood, I was not considered good at studies. I was an average student who used to score 50-60% in exams. Studies never interested me much, and I instead preferred taking part in extra-curricular activities.

When I entered my degree college in 2012, studies did not appear to be that boring as I had made a bunch of good friends who helped me prepare for the university exams throughout. They also supported me financially when I needed money. I realized the importance of having supportive friends in college. Spending time with them made me happy and it as well positively impacted my studies.

My friends pushed me to perform well, and I started getting good grades. From being an average scorer in school to getting excellent grades in college, the journey has been terrific, and it built confidence within me. I turned more ambitious and decided to prepare for civil services.

I started preparing for UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) exams during my third year in college. While preparing for the civil services, I gave my utmost dedication to it. I was pretty much sure about cracking the exams if I prepared for it with complete hard work and dedication.

I was completely sure about my performance. But my family, including my mom and sister, did not believe that I can crack the civil services. This fact not only did hurt but also depressed me.

Not receiving expected support from your family's end especially when you're working so hard for your goals hurts deeply. At that point, I started feeling low and was diagnosed with depression. My interest in all the activities had vanished.

Depression had hit me so hard that I was not looking for a job or attending an interview even after completing my graduation. My family was not happy with my decision to pursue civil services. They wanted me to work in a private company which I never liked.

Considering all the factors, I applied for a digital marketing job and got it. The happiness after getting my first job was only short-lived as I lost the job due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I was jobless for around five months and felt like I had hit rock bottom.

This was the time when I came to know about blogging and how to earn through it. I purchased a domain and started a digital marketing blog. Within six months, I scaled this blog to an exceptional level and also started getting freelancing projects through it.

I found my lost passion again in my new work, and things started getting better at home as well. One must not lose patience during difficult times and keep striving towards excelling. No matter what, I won't quit blogging and want to excel in my career ahead.

Also Read: My Story: "I Was Bullied For The Way I Walked, Today, I Spread Awareness About Disability"

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