My Story
MyStory: I Used To Be Too Uncomfortable With My Looks In School, Finally, I Stopped Torturing Myself
My Story

MyStory: 'I Used To Be Too Uncomfortable With My Looks In School, Finally, I Stopped Torturing Myself'

Ankita Singh
23 Sep 2020 9:20 AM GMT

Shreeya Upadhyay was body shamed in her school days. This made her extremely insecure about her looks and she didn't feel confident about herself. Finally, she started accepting herself just the way she looks and works on her personal development without noticing what her peers say.

My height was 5'7" when I was in the fifth standard and trust me, they were the most embarrassing days of my life. The remarks, silent laughs, hidden jokes, bullying everything has been a part of my life. I never wanted to cut down on the fat cause that would have made me look taller and things got worse.

I was good in academics and loved to have a stage presence, hence I tried anchoring, dancing and acting but I could never indulge myself in sports cause nobody really wanted to team up with a girl who was too tall and fat to play with. I was judged a lot.

I was never comfortable with my height, weight, complexion, skin type and breakouts. I was once asked by my sports teacher in the morning assembly to wash off my face cause she assumed that I apply foundation every day. That was the most ridiculous thing a teacher could have asked her student to do and that's when I got to know what body shaming is. I used to be too uncomfortable with my looks in a school. Always insecure! Finally, I gave up.

I gave up on torturing myself. I decided to enter my graduation life with a great start and I did. Even for once if someone told me that I look pretty, it literally made me cry. I wonder if anyone has seen that vulnerable side of me yet but definitely we all have sailed in the same boat.

I have come really far in this journey and my goal is nowhere closer to looking perfect. I love my flaws. My scars, my fat deposits, my height, my whole life! There is nothing too fancy about my life even now but the way I decided to live made the real difference. Today if you ever meet me, you will always find the confident Shreeya roaring in the field to seize the day!

My mantra is: Focus on becoming a better version of yourself for your personal development. Everything else will follow!

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