My Story
My Story: I Havent Turned Down A Single Soul Till Now, I Feel Blessed To Be The Chosen One

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My Story

My Story: 'I Haven't Turned Down A Single Soul Till Now, I Feel Blessed To Be The Chosen One'

Tashafi Nazir
14 May 2022 3:30 AM GMT

Dr Shama Shareef went the extra mile to lend a helping hand during the COVID-19 crisis. From serving food to thousands of people to making sure migrant labourers reach their hometowns safely, she did it all in every possible way.

It all started with cooking 50 meals per day from my kitchen to distributing food packets at palace grounds, then to railway stations and finally to hospitals where the patients' caretakers were left on the roads. Slowly, I expanded the number of my meals from 50 to 3000 and have been serving for two years now.

After serving food, my next focus was to successfully send 74 migrants across Bihar and Orissa back to their homes. All this was possible via generous hearts from social media platforms, where my frequent updates inspired people. I was able to make a considerable difference; strangers trusted me and started sending funds my way to make it possible.

'Helped Migrant Workers Reach Their Home Safely'

In the meantime, I also helped 50 labourers from Kolkata who were locked by illegal means and stopped from going home. The builders tipped cops. One day, when these labourers sent an SOS (an international code signal of extreme distress), I decided to help at any cost. I had to face the police brutality but finally succeeded after colossal chaos. With the help of the Labour Union and one Bengali association, I was able to send them back.

My next step was to help the children with poor livelihood. Students started approaching me during the hard times, be it 1st standard kids or engineering graduates; I helped everyone in whatever way I could. Till now, I have been able to benefit 123 kids. Touchwood!

Since then, there has been no looking back. From helping people cremate the bodies of their loved ones, arranging hospital beds, and Remdesivir injections to oxygen cylinders, I feel blessed to have done it in every possible way.

'Haven't Turned Down A Single Soul'

When people ask me how I manage it all, I honestly don't have an answer. Every night, I sit after my work, put up all the essential details, and meet the requirements by morning. I haven't turned down a single soul who has genuinely reached out to me for help but after proper verification.

But the real heroes are my social media donors, who grow in number with every passing day. I take immense pride in housing them as an integral part of my little life. I feel blessed to be the chosen one.

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