My Story
My Story: My Father Threw Me From Balcony When I Was A Month Old As He Didnt Want A Girl Child

Image Credits: Niyati Chetransh

My Story

My Story: 'My Father Threw Me From Balcony When I Was A Month Old As He Didn't Want A Girl Child'

Tashafi Nazir
12 July 2022 7:21 AM GMT

Niyati Chetransh is a 10-year-old trained pianist by interest. Her father tried to kill her multiple times as he considered daughters a burden on parents. Besides Piano, Niyati plays 16 more instruments, including Keyboard, Ukulele, Tabla, Flute, among others and aims to be a music director one day.

I was born at a hospital near my Nani's place. My father did not even come to see me in the hospital. In the first place, he was not ready to take my responsibility itself. As my mother recovered after delivery, she took me to my father's place. My Mom and I were not welcomed there, rather everyone's attitude was hostile towards us.

In just one day, my father attempted to kill me by throwing me from the third floor. As he took me to throw, my Mom requested him not to do so, but he was adamant and said to her, "Why should I listen to you? Are you the President or the Prime Minister of India". He performed the heinous crime of throwing me, but God is a saviour and a neighbouring uncle saved me.

Earlier, the same day, I was crying out of hunger, but my father snatched me from my Mom's hands and took me to the other room, where I was kept for a couple of hours. My Mom told me I slept hungry after crying for some time, and it was heart-wrenching for her.

That day my Mom decided to give up this relationship forever. That was actually a turning point in our lives, my mother was so determined that if she could not be an influential person, she would ensure that I become so capable that the world listens to me and she directed all the efforts to bring out the best in me.

'My Love For Music'

I was six months old, when my Mom bought a toy keyboard for me, which we both used to play together and it was the most favourite thing for me then. As I started to walk, I used to run-up to the kitchen and pick up utensils from wherever I could grab and create different kinds of sounds.

But my love for music was recognised by my uncle when I went to stay at his place and played the keyboard with all my heart.

My interest was so innate that I was further made to join music classes. I appeared for graded exams in Piano from Trinity College London at five. By now, I have already cleared five levels and am pursuing the 6th level. Besides Piano, I can play 16 more instruments, including Keyboard, Ukulele, Tabla, Flute, Mouth Organ, Melodica, Maracas, Kalimba, Kazoo, Ocarina, Lazium, Dhapli and so on.

I want to pursue music as my career and aim to be a Music Director one day.

'My Mom Tries To Bring Out The Best In Me'

Society always tries to put down women, whether it's their fault or not. People still come to my Mom and say, "You should remarry as you require support and are incapable of managing the kid single-handedly." They say Niyati need a father's love which she lacks. Some even say Niyati could develop specific inabilities psychologically if she does not get her father.

But my Mom is so determined that she pays no heed to anyone's words and constantly tries to bring out the best in me. We play together, go out for walks and on picnics and enjoy each other's company. I do not require anyone's company if I am with my Mom. She is not just my mother but is protective as a father as well.

Lastly, I want to tell all fathers who consider their daughters unworthy that girls are a true blessing of God, save them.

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