My Story
My Story: Life Becomes Meaningful Only When You Follow Your Heart And Stay Calm In Difficult Times
My Story

My Story: Life Becomes Meaningful Only When You Follow Your Heart And Stay Calm In Difficult Times

The Logical Indian
20 Oct 2016 7:23 PM GMT

“My journey of life in Army.

I choose to make changes and not give excuses. I choose to be me, to be invigorating.

Being an Army officer’s daughter and wife, my achievements in life always had the force of determination. Having discovered the true potential of what self-confidence, belief and will power can achieve with the genuine support of your loved ones, I attempt to mentor the next generation of Women.

Sharing my birthday with Lord Jesus Christ and celebrating it with the rest of the world, has always made me feel like a privileged person. In the Army, we spend most of our time in the mountains, deserts, harsh weather, field areas, living in separated family accommodation which makes life full of ups and downs. I guess it was the beginning of challenges life would throw at you. To bow down or to continue fighting to survive in every aspect of life. Life in the army has taught me to channelise our focus on happiness, optimism and positivity right from the childhood, extending our kinship to the entire fraternity as a whole because we are all one and interconnected.

I have always endeavoured to put my best foot forward since my childhood days, where I have participated in all types of sports and co-curricular activities, be it horse riding, rock climbing and trekking in the mountains, singing, dancing or fashion shows, the opportunities which are so readily available in Army which helps to get the best out of a child.

A pivotal point in every child’s life is the class X and XII board exams and if you scored well in board exams those days one always preferred to opt for Science Stream, being considered the elite stream. However, even with a science background, I knew that I was not meant to be a doctor or an engineer. I was destined to the corporate world. To do something real challenging, I took upon myself the daunting and arduous task of pursuing Company Secretary, a field which was completely unfamiliar to me. Preparations for the CS examinations involved complete understanding and study of accounts and law which I had never studied before.

Milkha Singh in his Autobiography has said that with “Hard work, dedication and will power any person can touch the sky with glory”. I realised and found it veracious for me and during that period with these qualities I could clear one of the toughest exams of my life, a course which has only 1% acceptance list based on merit in the entire country. Today I have a PCS firm on my name. It was the most satisfying moment of my life, an everlasting proud feeling to have a designation which I can carry on till the end.

Going with the flow in life I married a Rimcollian, a spirited and a true soldier of the Indian Army. The period that followed is an evergreen chapter of my life. The conviction, beliefs, value for time and for personal growth, culture and the way of life our fraternity provides are second to none. The opportunity and happiness to support, help, guide the wives of our jawans from the rural background in their overall development through the various medium has always elevated my spirits. These things drive and sustain me.

When my second child started going to school independently, I wished of doing something new in life. My husband’s posting to Secunderabad brought the opportunity to fulfill my desire of entering the world of glamour and fashion. Having gained lot of weight during my pregnancy days things were not easy. I started focusing on myself by going regularly to the gym, eating the right way, following my passion for yoga and dance. I also pursued a course on nutrition and dietetics since I always believed in cooking nutritive food for my family and friends as it also adds color to my life .


After having Two kids I took upon the challenge to participate in May Queen Secunderabad-2015. Winning the crown and being honored as Ms. Catwalk was an absolute delight and triumph for me since I competed with girls half my age. This achievement and the confidence that followed opened a new venture for me in the field of glamour. The same year I got a chance to participate in Mrs. India Worldwide 2015 held at Bangkok and Myanmar with women participating from all over the world, some of whom were just married, some were already models and actors and small time celebrities. Very few like me were having children. I have immense faith in myself taking my commitment through to the end which I believe sets me apart and it paved my way towards glory and I was adjudged in top 10 out of 42 strong contestants. This achievement opened a complete new world for me, a dream come true.


All along the journey my spirits, energy and resolve were catapulted by my husband, my family, friends and the elite army fraternity, which has all along given me a profound sense of achievement from being a corporate woman to being a mother of two kids to a nutritionist to being a beauty pageant winner and a motivational writer and speaker.

As said by “Joshua J .Marine, “Challenges are what makes life interesting and overcoming them makes life meaningful”.

I have always thrived on challenges, as it helps me raise the bar. My passion lies in the pursuit of excellence, can I do it better than others. I value each day, celebrating life as it comes. Creativity in my life is fulfilled by attempting new things every day. Life has taught me to never ever give up, to persevere even if we fail once or twice or even more, to pursue our dreams irrespective of our age, abilities or social restrictions. Today I am a corporate woman, a model, a house wife, a mother of two, a writer taking care and spending as much time as possible with my family, running my own firm and pursuing my dreams all at the same time with utmost satisfaction.

My story is to inspire all the craving beautiful, bold and strong women all over the globe who have a dream and my message to them is “ Believe in yourself, follow your heart, have a strong will, stay calm in difficult times and focus on the task at hand and opportunities will knock at your doorsteps.”

Submitted By – Renuka Sharma

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